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你必须要留级。You’re going to have to repeat the grade.

我的小病人最终也没有留级。My patient didn't have to repeat his grade.

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他六年级留级了,必须重新修课。He flunked 6th grade and had take classes again.

如果我再留级,我担心我毕不了业了。I'm afraid I would not graduate if I stayed down again.

他各科成绩太差,他必须留级。His marks are so poor that he will have to be graded down.

好像留级之王主角范伟德那样在学校生活!As the king of Van Wilder fail in school life as protagonist.

他留级一年,如果有人提到这事他仍然畏畏缩缩。He was held back a year and still winces if anyone mentions it.

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如果你考试不及格,你就会留级一年。If you fail your examination,you will be put back a whole year.

如果他考试再不及格,下学期他就得留级。If he failed in the exam again, he would be kept down next term.

让你留级是让你努力,你以为你现在还小吗?Let your repeater is to let you try, you think you are still small, do?

而当他们通过了这些课程时,他们甚至还能得到学分以免留级。And if they pass, they even get credit and avoid being left back a grade.

她认为这可以减少每年留级的学生数量。She also thinks that it would help decrease the amount of students who fail every year.

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自从老师警告她可能留级之后,苏开始努力学习。After her teacher warned her that she might fail, Sue began to buckle down to her studies.

我因为学分没有修满而被留级到2011级从头进修英语白话。Because I did not repair the full credits are repetition to grade 2011 to learn spoken english.

如果在一个孩子入学的时候没有这些技巧,他便会从一开始落在后面并且有了留级的重要的风险。A child who enters school without these skills runs a significant risk of starting behind and staying behind.

学校会根据学生的年龄以及和家长商议的结果,安排学生进入适当的年级或留级与升级。Both the school and the parents will discuss and mutually agree on the appropriate grade level placement for the student.

许多学校已经废除了留级制度并给予你很多机会得到正确的答案。In some schools they have abolished failing grades and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.

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2004年,他表现得尤为专制,在那年他宣布了一项计划,要把那些成绩不合格的学生留级。He proved particularly autocratic in 2004, when he announced a plan to keep failing students from advancing to the next grade.

在纽约市,一些辩护律师在诉讼中称家长没有及时被告知他们的孩子会留级。In New York City, some advocates have said in lawsuits that parents weren't notified early enough that their kids were flunking.

有一位曾经因神经出了问题留级我们班没多久后又因病休学了的一个名字,我竟然无一点点记忆。有时,并不。A once because neural disorder repetition our class not long after and sickness took a name, I was a little bit of memory. Sometimes, is not.