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她浓浓地抹了一层脂粉。She laid the paint on thickly.

简单,便宜,而且秋意浓浓!Easy, inexpensive, and oh-so-autumn!

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远处可见升起的浓浓黑烟。Thick black smoke billowed in the distance.

淡墨纸,弥漫着悠悠书香,满是浓浓记忆。The ink paper, filled with long book, full of deep memory.

河中小叶舟,悠悠荡荡,月下飘泊,情意浓浓。The river boat floating about, leaflets, moon rover, thick love.

多么好的一篇抒情散文啊!文笔细腻,写出了春意浓浓的气氛。How good expresses feelings the prose! The style was exquisite, has.

今年,我收到了外祖母亲笔写的、充满浓浓关爱的圣诞贺卡。I got a handwritten, love-filled Christmas card from my Grandma this year.

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但即便如此,也不要急于不屑今天这一年一度的被玫瑰花所包围的爱意浓浓。Even so, don't be too quick to denigrate today's annual rose-tinted smooch.

酸豆酸酸味郁郁,酸豆树荫凉凉情浓浓。Acid taste Tamarindus melancholy, deep feelings Tamarindus cool shade of a tree.

凯撒学会阅读和书写,他有他的人类大家庭的浓浓亲情。Ceasar learns to read and write and he has a deep affection for his human family.

阿里阿德涅的心伤在狄奥尼索斯的赞美和浓浓爱意的包围中很快就痊愈了。Ariadne's heart was immediately healed by Dionysus's admiration and loving embrace.

然而那种带著浓浓树木及土味的气息,却令我处于谧静、祥和及满足的状态。But that kind of woody and earthy scents made me feeling calm, peaceful and abundant.

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绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,中秋快乐!The continuing love and concern, the thick cordiality and wish, Mid-Autumn happiness!

正在那阳秋三月,秋意浓浓、死机勃勃,意味着我们该有一个崭新里貌。Yang Chun, in this March, spring thick, vibrant, which means that we have a new look.

英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English.

村前那棵百年老榕被阳光筛出一地浓浓淡淡的树影,给人一片沁凉。The centenary banian tree in front of the village screens the sunshine, cooling the air.

两只鸟儿飞出画面,停在树上,自由自在,枫叶随风摆动,秋意浓浓。Two birds fly out of the screen, stopping in the trees, free and maple Leaf swing with wind.

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不同于上一次星巴客的美式风格,这次则是充满浓浓意大利风情的花式咖啡。Instead of American coffee style, this time student will enjoy the strong Italianate fancy coffee.

娓娓情声爱语,爱意浓浓,无人耳闻,唯苍天聆听。相敬相爱的誓言,爱到生命的极限。Speak softly love so no one hears us but the sky, The vows of love we make will live until we die.

当浓浓爱意跨越时空,当如烟过往瞬间定格,醉人记忆依然是一笑倾城!Love is a forever smile, no matter how many centuries have passed, and always a beautiful eternity.