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静音摇臂支撑结构,噪声更低。The mute rocker arm, less noise.

别忘了把手机关闭或调成静音状态。Turn your phone off or to silent.

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超静音高速风扇快速干衣。The ultra-quiet fan speed fast drying.

采用德国海福乐三节静音导轨或DTC导轨。Germany Hafele three mute rail or DTC rail.

那么静音无油空压机就是最好的选择!So mute oil free compressor is the best choice!

电源、静音、音量键均为金属材质Power, mute, and volume buttons are all metallic

无线通讯的设备必须是静音的。Wireless communication devices must be silenced.

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静音切无振动操作。Virtually noiseless and vibration-free operation.

俱备翼型离心式、定载、静音离心式之特性。Wing eccentric type, rated load, quiet eccentric type.

我还会关掉手机,或至少调至静音模式。I also turn off my iPhone or at least put it on silent.

革命性静音设计,体验无噪音的听觉享受。Revolutionary Fanless Design for absolute silence 0dBA.

超静音,无污染,无负压,无水锤。Quiet, Environmental , No back pressure, No water hammer.

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女人会与生具有一个遥控器,上面有一个大大的静音键。Women would come with remotes with a large "mute" button.

声光报警,在静音或嘈杂的环境中均可使用。Acousto-optic alarm, mute or noisy environment, all can use.

不仅如此,它也希望这些飞机能够更加静音。Not only that, it wants those same planes to be whisper-quiet.

但至少他们都有一个静音的硬件开关。At least they both have a hardware switch to silence the ringer.

包括音量,平底锅,发送,跟踪武装,独奏和静音。Including volume, pans, sends, track arming, soloing and muting.

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但我一直被高工资所蒙蔽,直到静音键被按下的那一刻才幡然醒悟。I remained blinded by the pay until that mute button was pressed.

潜艇装备有静音推动器,可以躲避声纳的探测。Submarines equipped with push mute, you can avoid sonar detection.

设置黑名单的号码以拒绝来电和在接其通话时的静音。View call logs for blacklisted numbers that are set in Silent mode.