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本法快速、方便。The method was fast and convinent.

软封面笔记本选用无酸纸,并以丝线书本法钉装。The notebooks are thread-bound on acid-free paper.

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反担保适用本法和其他法律的规定。Pursuant to the present Law and other related laws.

第二条本法适用于全民所有制企业。Article 2 This Law is applicable to State enterprises.

结论本法操作简单,重现性好,可作为腹宁片的质量控制。It could be used for quality control of Funing Tablet.

本法较简便,能在生理环境下测定,样品用量亦少。It can be used in the desired physiological conditions.

本法能有效控制胆木注射液的质量。It is necessary for quality control of Danmu injection.

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而作业成本法正是适应这种要求而产生的。And operating cost to meet this requirement and returned.

本法为强刺激手法之一。This is one of the manipulations with strong stimulation.

本法简便,快速,重现性好,适于西洛他唑的药动学研究。It is suitable for the pharmacokinetic study of cilostazol.

本法也可推广应用于其它重量分析法。The technique can be applied to other gravimetric analysis.

本法所称本票,是指银行本票。A promissory note as used in this Law means a banker's note.

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本法制备的氧化铝超细粒子粒径在0。Al2O3 ultrafine powder obtained by this method have about 0.

本法准确可靠,专属性强,能更好地控制其质量。It can be used for quality control of Carbamazepine tablets.

本法自公布之日起施行。This law will go into effect on the day if its promulgation.

第十八条本法自一九八六年七月一日起施行。Article 18. This law shall go into effect as of July 1, 1986.

第一百五十六条本法自1987年1月1日起施行。Article 156 This Law shall come into force on January 1, 1987.

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结果采用本法可获得禽流感病毒特异性转移因子。Results This method could obtain AIV specific transfer factor.

本法修改权属于全国人民代表大会。The right to amendment is vested in the National Peoples Congress.

本法测定结果与酸碱滴定法的结果符合。The results agreed weel with those obtained by volumetric analysis.