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她焦急万分。She was wild with anxiety.

我对你万分感激。I couldn't thank you enough.

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我激动万分,如释重负。I was thrilled and relieved.

他们全都为他的成功而欢喜万分。They all joyed in his success.

喧哗声使小孩惊恐万分。The noise frightened the child.

他内心感激万分。His heart flowed with gratitude.

我对你感激万分。I'm tremendously obliged to you.

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作为一个母亲,我感到痛苦万分。As a mother, I felt so much pain.

我满腹疑虑,痛苦万分。I was racked with doubt and pain.

他们惊恐万分。They were very scared and afraid.

我对你暗示万分感激。I appreciate it more than Ican say.

这消息使我们欣喜万分。The news filled us with exaltation.

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听到你的成功令我高兴万分。It over-joyed me to hear your success.

也许不会,但我们必须万分小心。Possibly not, but we have to be careful.

他们对那位老师感激万分。They felt deeply grateful to the teacher.

看到谭睿玲死去,钟离万分的伤心。See Tan Ruiling die, the clock is very sad.

当我欣喜万分的时候,大自然也一定非常高兴。Nature must be gladsome when I was so happy.

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她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。She is all in a stew over her lose suitcase.

她因丢失衣箱焦急万分。She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase.

我万分感动你的帮助。I renumber one just tummyouty like your help.