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不要信口胡说。Don't talk at random.

为我寄上一封情书,用你的吻封上信口。I send a love letter, sealed off with your kiss.

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在线八卦即使是信口胡言,也会给人带来很大的伤害。Online gossip can be damaging even if provably false.

我跟你说,美国人没有信口胡说的。I assure you there is no nonsense about the Americans.

迟到没借口,她就信口胡编了一个。Not having a good excuse for being late, she made up one.

浮切瑞和达戈奈也信口做了一个同样的表示。Fauchery and Daguenet indulged in a similar demonstration.

那你说的那些什么“重新开始”之类的话呢?都是信口胡说?What about all that "turning a new leaf" talk? Just nonsense?

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不要讲太长时间或信口漫谈,时长最多不超过2分钟。Don't talk for too long or ramble. Two minutes is the absolute max.

“吃过了,”赫斯渥说,信口撒了谎。“我正要去修面。”"Yes, " said Hurstwood, lying blandly. "I'm just going for a shave. "

我所以信口絮聒,把我的心掩藏在言语后面,也就是这个缘故。That is why I prattle and chatter lightly and hide my heart behind words.

信口说她,说,我见你的女儿没有贞洁的凭据。Now he has slandered her and said, 'I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.'

在金融界,类似的情况就是当银行总裁信口旦旦他的公司固若金汤。The equivalent in finance is a bank boss insisting that his institution is completely solid.

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我们心底情愿自己当初不曾如此信口许诺,有时甚或毫不掩饰后悔之情。We secretly, and sometimes not so secretly, wish we had not been so specific about our promises.

结果我患了轻度神经官能症,一吸进新鲜空气便信口胡说。The result was that I developed a bit of a neurosis. As soon as I hit the air I became extravagant.

他往前刚走了一会儿,就有一个上年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的骡马,一路信口哼着小调,迎着面儿走来。Presently he was met by an elderly parson stride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.

甚至在信已经部分插入投信口时,还犹豫了一会儿才把它推进邮筒。I even paused briefly with the letter part way into the mail slot before I thrust the letter into the mailbox.

他现在已经是一个成年人了,但还是谎话连篇——从一个小时前他在做什么到他是否失业他都可以信口胡诌。He's a grown man now and will lie about anything from what he was doing an hour ago to whether he lost his job.

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如果你事先没有准备,你可能会信口漫谈,有时会讲自己完全不适合这份工作。When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job.

有两个人信口唱起了流行歌曲,大家听了都愉快地鼓掌。A couple of people stand and deliver their own renditions of popular songs, which are followed by cheerful clapping.

不用朝投信口里张望了,这里静静的没有一点儿声响,他们准把我们来这里的事忘了。There's no use peering through the letter-box. The place is as still as the grave. They must have forgotten we were coming.