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是农耕民族所崇拜的神物。The farming tribes worship it very much.

⊙、英雄心事无今古,神物风云各有时。Hero worry no today the ancient, sacred clouds sometimes.

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亨利曾管跑步叫做神物,她认为他说的对。Henry called the running a fetish, and she supposed he was right.

昨夜要找出神物,耗费太多精力。Want to find out supernatural being last night, expend too many energies.

中国人视芦荟为神物,将其用来治疗胃病和结肠病。The Chinese considered the Aloe Vera sacred and used it for stomach and colon ailments.

龙被人们认为是中国最大的神物,也是最大的吉祥物。DragonThe dragon is considered the largest divine animal in China, and its most popular mascot.

进入现代社会后,龙逐渐由神物演变为吉祥物。In modern society, the dragon has gradually shed its role as an idol, and has become a mascot figure.

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隋唐时期是我国兴起墓中随葬镇墓神物的第二个高峰。The period of Sui and Tang dynasties was the second pinnacle of prevailing of burying tomb guardians.

龙被人们认为是中国最大的神物,也是最大的吉祥物。DragonDragon is regarded as the biggest animal of the Chinese totem, and it is the most important mascot.

哈丽达尔,好像是从天方夜谭里飞出的神物,时不时抬起两条前腿,缓缓地拍打双翼。Halidarre, like something from the Arabian Nights, reared a bit every now and then, beating her wings slowly.

真是因为这样,我们才真的渴望这样神圣的神物我们能够真的接近它,去了解它,让它并不孤单。Really because so we have really eager for such holy guardian we can really close to it, to understand it, and make it is not alone.

作为一种现实中并不存在的神物,龙在华夏民族的心里占据着不可替代的位置。As an idol, that is nonexistent in science and reality, the dragon has a position in the hearts of the Chinese people that is irreplaceable.

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有只老虎一看到这么大的家伙,很害怕,以为是什么神物,便躲在树林子里偷偷地观察它。A tiger was very afraid at the sight of it. The tiger thought it must be supernatural being, so it hid in the woods and observed it stealthily.

麒麟是中国远古社会图腾崇拜的产物,是人们按理想进行艺术加工后产生的神物。Then it makes an analysis of the "Kylin Culture" in ancient China. Kylin is the outcome of ancient China's totemism, and a mythic creature through people's artistic imagination and modification.