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卡西迪现在有他独特的戴头盔时使用的手枪动画全国人大装甲模。Cassidy now has his unique helmetless pistol animations when using the NPC armor mod.

全国人大各专门委员会也开展形式多样的执法检查。The special committees of the NPC also conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work.

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全国人大常委兼本会顾问范徐丽泰太平绅士就「青年人面对的机遇与挑战」与参加者作分享。Mrs. Rita Fan shares her opinions on the opportunities and challenges that the young are confronted with.

适应全国人大十届二次会议对宪法的修改,我国应制定一部专门的公益征收、征用法。After this time of modification to the constitution, special commonweal expropriation law should be legislated in our state.

全国人大有望首次将刑事案件中的精神损害纳入侵权责任法。China's top legislature might add mental distress in criminal cases to the conditions covered under the country's first tort law.

全国人大每年召开一次,经两周的大会进行审核,并批准新的重要的政策方向,法规,预算,和主要的人事变动。It meets annually for about 2 weeks to review and approve major new policy directions, laws, the budget, and major personnel changes.

十一届全国人大二次会议的开幕会、闭幕会和其他各次全体会议都将向中外记者开放。The opening and closing as well as plenary meetings of the Second Session of the 11th NPC, will be open to Chinese and foreign media.

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一些观察家预计橡皮图章式的立法机构全国人大将在3月的年度会议上认可这个变革。Some observers expect the rubber-stamp legislature, the National People's Congress, to endorse the change at its annual session in March.

然而,继全国人大对中国的商业银行法进行修正后,这些业务将获部分解禁。However, this will now be partially permitted following an amendment to the country'scommercial banking law by the National Peoples' Congress.

3月5日,国务院总理温家宝在十一届全国人大一次会议上作政府工作报告时,提出了2008年国民经济和社会发展的预期目标。Premier Wen Jiabao delivered a government work report at the opening meeting of the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress Wednesday.

我们预计明年全国人大通过的预算中将大幅增加预算配置,并提供税收刺激,支持替代能源和节能技术。We expect the next NPC budget to significantly increase budgetary allocation and offer tax incentives to support alternative energy and energy savings.

全国人大内务司法委员会副主任委员黄镇东与郑元豹董事长。Huang Zhendong, vice chairman of the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs under the National People's Congress, and Board chairman Zheng Yuanbao.

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全国人大副委员长、民革中央主席周铁农亲切会见人民电器集团董事长郑元豹。NPC vice chairman and the KMT Central Committee Chairman-Zhou Tienong met cordially with the Chairman of People Electrical Appliance Group-Zheng Yuanbao.

国务院总理温家宝在十一届全国人大一次会议上作政府工作报告中提出尊重和保障人民群众的利益表达。In the first meeting of the 11th National People's Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao reported to respect and protect expression of the interests of the people.

几个星期后,沈先生及其它四个北京大学大学教授请求全国人大彻底修改现行土地法规。A few weeks later, Mr. Shen and four fellow Peking University law professors dispatched a plea to the National People’s Congress to overhaul the land rules.

民主派议员要求范徐丽泰辞去港区全国人大一职,若然她当选立法会主席。Pro-democracy legislators yesterday demanded that Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai quit as a deputy to the National People's Congress if she is re-elected Legco president.

全国人大常委会经两次审议,决定将修正案草案提请十一届全国人大三次会议审议。After deliberating twice, the Standing Committee decided the draft amendments should be submitted for deliberation and approval at the Third Session of the Eleventh NPC.

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妇联官员蒋月娥表示,妇联加大了协助全国人大起草该法的力度,希望能加快立法进程。Jiang Yue'e, an ACWF official, said the ACWF stepped up efforts to assist National People's Congress in drafting the law and hopes to accelerate the legislative process.

全国人大教科文委员会的陶希平认为“尊重教育”是素质教育中成功的典范。Tao Xiping from the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the National People's Congress, said respect education is a successful part of quality education.

在十一届全国人大一次会议和全国政协十一届一次会议上,将选举产生国家领导人,组成新一届政府。In the first meeting of the 11th National People's Congress and CPPCC National Committee Session of the 11th meeting, the leaders will be elected to form the new government.