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不过画作隐藏一秘传的、炼金的意义。The painting hides however an esoteric, alchemical meaning.

如上所述,秘传的圆顶代表子宫生命的给予者。As stated above, the dome esoterically represents the womb giver of life.

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我问了,但是他说他不能告诉我那药方,因为那是秘传的。I asked, but he said he couldn't tell me the recipe because it was esoteric.

当我喝下了秘传教义的芳洌琼浆时,我也经历过这样的愉快。I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines.

他向这个大师求证,以为他听到的是冥想的秘传秘诀。” he clarified with the master thinking he was about to be told the esoteric secret to meditation.

以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。It is famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, and poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

如何设计你自己的、独特的、秘传的、非传统的、有效用和社区适用的「功能性识字」课程。Design your own, unique, esoteric, unorthodox, useful and community specific programme of functional literacy.

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“那是什么?”他向这个大师求证,以为他听到的是冥想的秘传秘诀。“What's that?” he clarified with the master thinking he was about to be told the esoteric secret to meditation.

少林药局茶疗堂以少林八百年禅医秘传古方为基础,调制出具有养生功效的少林本草养心茶系列产品。Series products of CLEAR-MIND TEA were based on ZEN-MEDICINE of eight hundred years in ShaolinTeatherapeutics-room.

我有其他的激情有点离奇的神秘动物学,如,生物吸血鬼的深渊,秘传,红葡萄酒和。I have other passions that are a bit weirder, like cryptozoology, creatures of the abyss, esotericism, red wine and vampires.

有一些护甲在制造的过程中用秘传的方法和神秘的技艺将魔法编织在护甲之上。Certain kinds of armor are made according to arcane and esoteric methods that involve weaving magic into the substance of the armor.

他还自学阿拉伯文,经常阅读秘传书籍,并企望能够在芬兰或土耳其的学术刊物上发表文章,好一鸣惊人。He had taught himself Arabic also, and read esoteric books, and hoped to astonish everyone by publishing in journals in Finland or Turkey.

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罕有的是作家有讨论这作品的诺斯替、炼金术和秘传意义,然而它已被数以百万计的游客探访过。Rare are the writers have discussed the gnostic, alchemical and esoteric meaning of this work, yet it has been visited by millions of tourists.

武当山内家功,为祖师爷张三丰所创。以桶子功、千斤坠、五毒手为独门功夫,自宋代秘传至今。Wudang internal martial art, created by founder Zhang Sanfeng, famous for bucket practice, kink-weight, poisoned hand, taught secretly from Song Dynasty till now.

道家秘传养生功据说是由武当山内家拳的创始人张三丰所创。It is said that Taoist Primary Health Preserving Exercise was originally created by Zhang Sanfeng who was the originator of Internal Family Fists of Wudang Mountain.

少林武术基本功汇集了少林寺历代秘传练功的方法,其中包括了手法、眼法、身法、步法等组合动作的练习。Shaolin Basic Skills assembles all the esoteric methods of practicing kungfu in Shaolin Temple. It consists of the exercise of techniques of hand, eye, body and foot and the combination of movements.