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需要一份快餐吗?Need a quick snack?

我们买一些快餐,好吗?Shall we buy some snacks?

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孩子做营养快餐"Kids make nutritious snacks."

但是,我们生活在一个快餐文化的国度。But we are a fast food nation.

我们是快餐食用者的社会。We are a society of fast food eaters.

妈妈饭香是一家中式快餐连锁店。Mama cate is a Chinese fast food chain.

一个只会生产简单快餐食品的民族是不可能站直的。A nation of burger flippers cannot stand.

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给我来一份特大号的快餐,我很饿。Please super-size my meal, I am ver hungry.

我们将吃点什么样的快餐?。What kind of munchies are we going to have?

哪怕你是一只驼鹿,都可以买到快餐Even if you're a moose you can get fast food.

改行当消防员和快餐厨师?To just become firemen and short-order cooks?

在这个国家,他们到处可吃的就是快餐。They are eating out there in fast food nation.

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虽然知道快餐对我们的健康有害。Although know fast food harmful to our healths.

但是,快餐食物并不意味著就是脂肪食物。But, "fast food" doesn't have to mean "fat food".

快餐区就在家具用品部的另一侧。The food court is on the other side of furniture.

看电视的时候吃个快餐对我就够了。Just a quick meal in front of the TV works for me.

人们都说快餐会让你发胖。People say that fastfood will make you get weight.

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那么,哪座美国城市拥有最为密集的快餐食品店呢?So what American city is the most fast-food-centric?

公司名称是约翰逊国际快餐有限公司。Its name is Joh on International Fastfood Co. Limited.

你喜欢吃韩国菜、日本料客人说贵怎么办理还是美式快餐呢?Which do you prefer Korean, Japanese or American food?