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上装过于浓艳看上去不自然。Too much make-up looks unnatural.

该塔顶上装竖着塔尖。The tower is surmounted with a spire.

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这是一件有垫肩的上装。This is a jacket with padded shoulders.

织工在围巾边上装穗。The weaver fringed the edge of the scarf.

这辆卡车上装满了商品。The truck was freighted with commercial goods.

天花板上装有水晶珠。Top with crystal beads of the ceiling is used.

我们需要在针上装簧管的确加快行为。We need reed needles to speed the deed indeed.

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抛开你漂亮的牛仔和最好的上装。Pull out your best jeans and most attractive tops.

在门及窗台上装防雨片,以保持冷空气留在室内。Weather-strip doors and sills to keep cool air in.

照片是用潜艇上装配的一个相机拍下的。The photo was taken by a camera mounted on the sub.

现在那盏吊灯上装了一个球形灯罩。The ceiling light is now covered with a white globe.

一些隐私权利团体反对在汽车上装设黑匣子。Some advocacy groups oppose putting black boxes in cars.

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为安全起见公路的弯道边上装设了反射镜。A curved margin of a highway was reflectorized for safety.

在你的莲蓬头上装一台净化器也是绿色的选择。Install a filter in your showerhead, too, to be really green.

穿上一条少女感十足的裙子搭配性感的上装会让人更前卫。Pair a girlier one with sexy-on-top stuff for an edgier vibe.

公共工程车辆成排地往平板车上装沙子。Public works trucks line up to load sand onto their flatbeds.

它可以用来放在储藏室或冰箱的架子上装东西。It can be used on pantry and refrigerator shelves to organize.

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螺桨毂盖,机头整流罩某些飞机上装于螺旋桨叶毂上的整流罩。A fairing fitted over the hub of the propeller in some aircraft.

防护格栅上装了铰链,使得玻璃能被方便地清洁。The screens have hinges so that the glass can be easily cleaned.

他在领带上别了根珍珠别针,上装纽孔里插了枝白色康乃馨。He wore a pearl stickpin and a white carnation in his buttonhole.