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这些肿瘤被称为听神经瘤。These tumors are called acoustic neuromas.

听神经瘤的影响中只有不到一个十万人一年。Acoustic neuromas affect fewer than one in one hundred thousand people a year.

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目的总结囊性听神经瘤的临床特点及治疗效果。Objective To study the clinical features and treatment of cystic acoustic neuroma.

听神经瘤也称为前庭神经鞘瘤,是导致听觉丧失的并不常见的原因。Also known as vestibular schwannoma, acoustic neuroma is an uncommon cause of hearing loss.

微音器电位与听神经电位阈值均提高5—20分贝。The threshold values of both the microphonic and action potential were raised 5—20 decibels.

听神经瘤的治疗包括定期检查、放射疗法和外科手术切除。Treatment options for acoustic neuroma include regular monitoring, radiation and surgical removal.

目的探讨显微手术切除大型听神经瘤的入路和方法。Objective To study the approach and methods of the microsurgical resection of large acoustic neuromas.

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结论听神经瘤早期临床表现为耳蜗与前庭功能异常。Conclusion The earlier performance of acoustic neuroma is the abnormal function of cochlea and forecourt.

一次开颅切除两侧听神经瘤的手术颇为困难,但并非没有可能。Surgical removal of bilateral acoustic tumors at one-stage craniotomy is quite difficult, but not impossible.

但他们表示,极有可能是听神经瘤,因为听神经瘤的位置就是人们通常握着手机的位置。But they say acoustic neuromas would be the most likely because they grow close to where people hold cell phones.

目的探讨显微神经外科技术在大型听神经瘤切除术中的应用。Objective To evaluate the application of microsurgical techniques to the treatment of large and giant acoustic neuromas.

因此实验小蝙蝠下丘听神经元的方向灵敏性在耳塞移去较移去前后灵敏。The auditory spatial sensitivity of IC neurons was sharper when the earplug was intact than when the earplug was removed.

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结论多部位的光学系统可以记录电刺激听神经的诱发反应,光学信号显示了时间空间分布的类型。Conclusion The evoked optical signals were observed in the spatial-temporal pattern by multiple-site optical recording system.

方法对12例听神经瘤在脑干听觉诱发电位、肌电图联合监测下行显微手术切除。Methods 12 cases of acoustic neuromas were microsurgically removed by brainstem auditory evoked potential and electromyography.

听神经瘤是发生在决定平衡能力和听力的神经上,该神经连接内耳和大脑。An acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor that develops on the balance and hearing nerves leading from your inner ear to your brain.

结论娴熟的术中配合是大型听神经瘤手术成功的重要环节。Conclusion The proficient cooperation with neursurgeon is a very important step to successfully resect the large acoustic neuromas.

本文总结归纳了听神经瘤手术中神经血管位置的变化及保护措施。The article generalizes the position changes of nerves and vessels of acoustic neuromas and protective skills during the operation.

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目的探讨在脑干听觉诱发电位、肌电图的监护下进行听神经瘤显微切除的技术。Objective To explore the skill for microsurgical removal for acoustic neuromas using brainstem auditory evoked potential and electromyography.

结论枕下乙状窦后经内听道入路的听神经显微手术,能够取得较好的肿瘤全切除率和面听神经功能保留率。Conclusion Undergoing retrosigmoid approach one can succeed to get hign rate of total acoustic neuroma removal, facial and hearing preservation.

目的探讨听神经瘤囊变原因、细胞增殖及其临床治疗效果。Objective To explore the characteristic of histology, cell proliferation, growth rate and clinical treatment results in cystic acoustic neuromas.