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这种想法根本无用That's hopeless.

而其余的都是无用的东西。The rest is dross.

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武器也无用。Weapons are useless.

你的抵抗是无用的。Your resistance is futile.

禁用无用的推理。Disable Useless Theorizing.

法国人是无用的吃货。The french are useless eates.

后悔莫及加上追悔无用!Duihui with regret and useless!

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没有实质帮助的忠告亳无用处。Counsel without help is useless.

我们所有的劝告都无用。All our persuasion was of no use.

抗议全部无用。All our protests were unavailing.

对我而言,小汽车是个昂贵而无用的东西。A car is a white elephant forr me.

汽车没有汽油便无用。A car is useless without gasolene.

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惶恐不安是通向未来的一个无用向导。Fear is a poor guide to the future.

“读书无用论”是病毒吗?"Reading books is useless" is virus?

人们怎么可以说我是一个软弱无用的人?How can anybody say that I am a wuss ?

编辑删掉了几行无用的文字。The editor killed a few useless lines.

不要乱花钱买无用的东西。Don't throw about your money on trash.

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我得到了一些贵而无用的礼物。I got some white elephants for presents.

这一切消极而又无用。It was very negative and non-productive.

这样做增加了一些无用的网址。Doing this adds some gibberish to the URL.