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改变思维定势。Change the mind-set.

这是传统的思维定势。That is the conventional wisdom.

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这种思维定势构成了我们对自然秩序的认识。This kind of thinking frames our sense of the natural order.

这里我们介绍11种方法,帮助你摒弃定势思维。Here are 11 ways to beef up your out-of-the-box thinking skills.

创新就只有这么些个西方所珍爱的的定势!So much for the innovation stereotypes so cherished in the West!

这样的思维定势相当普遍,也因此局限了可供选择的解决方法。That mind-set is prevalent, and because of it, alternatives are limited.

文化心理形成后具有相对的稳定性,被称作文化心理定势。Cultural psychology form with relative stability, called culture mind-set.

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尼古拉斯·哥白尼冲破了思维定势,提出了宇宙的日心说。Nicolas Copernicus challenged the mindset and found that it was heliocentric.

测试阶段需要3个月后的错误定势和支持,这是包括出价。Need after testing stage 3 month bug fixe and support , this are including bid.

不过,正是因为这套完整的框架才使得学者们对某些具体问题的研究走上了定势思维的“牛角尖”。But scholars are trapped in the dead angle of the research because of that intact frame.

我国传统译论中与翻译批评标准有关的内容十分丰富,但由于研究方法上的问题,却存在一种单向度、静态的思维定势。Discussions on the criteria of translation criticism have been rich and lively in China.

有人可能会认为事实上尼斯贝特有不断接近文化定势的危险。One might in fact think that Nesbitt is getting perilously close to cultural stereotyping.

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在这种思维定势中,稳定似乎成了一种终极性的否定因素,一切都要为稳定让路。In such a mindset, stability becomes the ultimate goal. Everything else must give way to it.

他表示互联网加速了这种趋势,最近的经济危机更使这一趋势成为定势。Yesawich said the Internet accelerated the trend and the latest economic downturn sealed it.

侦查思维定势有正面价值和负面性,因此要进行一些扬弃。It has not only a positive value to modern peoples social development but also a negative value.

刻板的“办公楼思维定势”是各种林林总总的机构的典型特征,这种组织方式抑制创新。Inside-the-building thinking is the hallmark of establishments, whose structures inhibit innovation.

语言行为说打破了语言表达论的传统认识定势。The doctrine of linguistic behavior broke free from traditional cognitive mode of language expression.

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分析了从众心理、定势心理两种心理因素在编辑工作中的表现及成因。The performances and reasons of majority-trend mentality and mind-set in editing process are analyzed.

以前国内外学者对心理定势的研究多集中在心理定势的负面影响之上。Most of the previous researches of stereotyping at home and abroad mainly focused on its negative effect.

关系取向既是个体的一种心理定势,又是一种人际行为模式。Relation orientation is a kind of psychological attitude of individual and also a kind of behavior pattern.