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用类似人形的炮弹射击红色的求。Shoot the red ball with a humanoid cannonball.

在谷歌街景地图中,Cadie取代了pegman人形图标。In Google Maps Street View, Cadie replaced pegman.

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人形的Jake掀开顶盖,揉了揉自己的太阳穴。Human Josh lifts the link rig and rubs his temples.

而人形机器人是机器人世界的名人。Humanoid bots are the celebrities of the robot world.

沙滩上挖出石子的地方形成一个人形轮廓,有头、两个胳膊、躯干和腿,没有尾巴。A human figure. A head, two arms, a torso, legs, no tail.

乳黄色皮毛的埃贝是个身材矮胖的人形生物。The cream-furred Ebe is a rotund humanoid of small stature.

HRP-4C是最先进的人形机器人之一。HRP-4C is among the most advanced humanoid robots out there.

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“人形显身。”楼梯底下的声音说道。"Homenum revelio, " said the voice at the foot of the stairs.

莎克·蒂是托格鲁塔人,是来自希利星的人形种族。Shaak Ti was a Togruta, a humanoid species from the planet Shili.

这就是为什么要给战士一把长弓、矮人一件人形大小的链甲了?Why give a warrior a long bow, and a dwarf human-sized chainmail?

伊希提卜人是两足人形种族,头呈五角星形。The Ishi Tib are a species of humanoid bipeds with star-shaped heads.

他们是一个人形种族,皮肤粗糙得像革一样,头上没有头发。They are a humanoid species with coarse, leathery skin and bald heads.

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他们的特征是类飞禽,让他们看起来像人形的鸟或者猛禽。Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors.

闷棍现在可以攻击人形生物,野兽,龙,恶魔。Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids , beasts, dragonkins, demons.

神灵开始人形化,于是一神教就在这个时候出现了。Gods start to take on a human form, so monotheism appears around this time.

提列克人是身材高挑的人形种族,皮肤色素如同虹彩一般多变。Twi'leks are tall, thin humanoids with skin pigment that spans a rainbow of colors.

博萨人是人形种族,身材短粗,面部有毛发覆盖。Bothans are a humanoid species characterized by stocky builds and fur-covered faces.

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人形柱陶楼是极为奇特的汉代建筑明器。Pottery building with human-shaped pillar is a peculiar burial building of Han dynasty.

原貌依世系而异,可能是全身伤疤与缝线,或看起来像黏土捏成的人形。He might be scarred and stitched or appear to be made of clay, depending on his Lineage.

参观民众周日在日本关西胜浦市一个社区中心里观赏雏人形娃娃。Visitors look at "hina" dolls at a community center in Katsura, western Japan on Sunday.