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她只是一个不入流的娼妓。She is just a two-bit whore.

使美誉落得跟娼妓一样。And makest fair reputation but a bawd.

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“离娼妓们远点,”他警告。"Stay away from the whores, " he warned.

看哪,我与你,哦民族的娼妓!Behold, I am against you, oh nation of harlots!

如果当事人被称为娼妓,他们会是什么感觉?If they were called whores, how would they feel?

我一点不认为娼妓损害了拉斯维加斯的形象。I don't think brothels damage the image of Las Vegas at all.

娼妓,丰富的俚语和布兰达的名字,她生了个孩子。Prostitute, fair slang and Brendas her name, shes got a baby.

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谈到可持续发展,那娼妓怎么办?You talk about sustainable development, how about prostitutes?

岂不知与娼妓联合的,便是与他成为一体吗?What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?

岂不知与娼妓联合的,便是与他成为一体吗?Know all of you not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?

假如你不想步入娼寮,就不要经过娼妓的门。If you would not step into the harlot 's house, do not go by the harlot's door.

我的语言是人人都可招的娼妓,必须把她还原成处女。My language is a universal whore whom I have to make into a virgin. ?Karl Kraus.

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我可以将基督的肢体作为娼妓的肢体吗。shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot?

正因为不忠,菲律宾女孩被美国女人烙上娼妓的烙印。This unfaithfulness is how Filipina girls are branded as whores by American women.

岂不知与娼妓联合的,便是与她成为一体吗?Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?

再让我们来看看娼妓业“以充文用”的功效。Let us see meretricious line of business again " in order to fill civil with " effect.

他声言支持娼妓合法化,定会遭人抨击。He went out on a limb when he declared his support for the legalization of prostitution.

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但纵然没有任何德性,纵然不过是个娼妓,那时候,她也仍旧是王后。But even if she had no virtue to speak of, or were just a whore, she would be queen all the same.

一名男子射杀一名娼妓,当他发现自己召了一名变装男子寻欢。A man gunned down a prostitute when he discovered that he had hired a cross -dressing man for sex.

在她死后,甚至被生前更受尊敬,最终成为了娼妓之神。In death her more professional associates honored her and eventually became the goddess of whores.