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而无权一组给出的分值为7.2。Low-power participants rated it 7.2.

可即使他现在也无权过问。But he doesn't even have a right to say.

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他无权自称为专家。He has no right to term himself an expert.

闭上你的嘴,你无权过问此事。Keep your mouth shut, you get no say in it.

开明派——一个无权而崇尚权力的人。Liberal – a power worshipper without power.

车间一级无权控制生产。There is no shop-floor control over production.

他无权签订这种台同。It was beyond his power to sign such a contract.

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你无权干涉别人的事情。You have no right to tamper with others' affairs.

你无权扣发我的一部分工资。You have no right to keep a portion of my pay back.

无权置喙什么时候、多久见他让我十分痛苦。I'm really, really in love. I want to say that first.

我们无权干涉她的婚姻自由。Since Modern Liberation Movement, freedom of marriage.

甚至连大祭司也无权与他说话。He has even forbidden the high priest to speak with him.

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但是,他绝不会去侮辱那些无权无势的人。But he would never insult someone who did not have power.

将网站结构抽象为无权有向图。Website structure was described as an un weighted digraph.

没有正当理由你无权过问我的生活。You have no right to seek into my life without just cause.

即未经他们本人的同意,任何人无权夺去“"And that no one can take from them without their consent."

戈尔兹部署了这次进攻,但他无权撤消。Golz makes the attack but he has not the power to cancel it.

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我们无权这样分配权力,”他在书中写道。It was not our right to apportion power like that,” he writes.

对不起,您无权以更新呼号数据库。Sorry, you are not authorized to update the callsign database.

签署合同的任何一方都无权撕毁合同。No party who has signed the contract has the rught to break if.