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她拒绝接受我的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了房子。She refused my advice and flounced out of the house.

他们像一群被围困的野兽,张牙舞爪,暴跳如雷。They ramped and raged like a pack of trapped beasts.

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据爱说长道短的人说爱德先生肯定是暴跳如雷。According to the gossip, Mr. Ede is absolutely furious.

每次我想出去工作他就暴跳如雷。Who flies into a rage every time I want to go back to work.

这篇文章导致了球迷气愤填膺,暴跳如雷。The article caused a storm of fans' indignation and outrage.

因为女儿没有得到他的允许就结了婚,他气得暴跳如雷。He was hopping mad when his daughter married without his permission.

威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.

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如果我父亲看到汽车挡泥板上的凹痕,他一定会气得暴跳如雷。When my fa ther sees the dent in his fender, he'll be mad as a hornet.

德纳第大娘暴跳如雷,“还是你想骗我的钱?”" screamed the Thenardier, hoarsely , "or do you want to rob me of it?

绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.

"威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。"。Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.

到了早上他依然是暴跳如雷,因而被送进精神病院。Still outraged in the morning, he is committed to a psychiatric clinic.

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谢天谢地,我当时并不知道花了这么多钱,否则我早就暴跳如雷了。Thankfully, I didn't know the extent of it or I would have blown a gasket.

钟馗暴跳如雷,当场自杀,死后就成了捉鬼的神灵。Furious, Zhong Kui killed himself and became the spirit of catching ghosts.

假如凯萨琳早上太早把马克吵醒,马克通常会暴跳如雷。Mark often acts grumpily if Kathleen wakes him up too early in the morning.

门猛地开了,父亲从外边暴跳如雷地走进屋子里来。The door flew open, and Father stormed into the room, in a very bad temper.

我非常生气,在家里暴跳如雷,我努力不鄙视父母,但做不到。I was very angry, stormed around the house, trying not to despise my parents.

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像在暴风雨中一艘坚强的船,你不要变得憔悴或者暴跳如雷。Like a strong ship in a storm, you don't become bettered or blown off course.

当苏联从古巴撤回导弹时,格瓦拉暴跳如雷。When the Soviet Union withdrew its nuclear missiles from Cuba, Che was furious.

他对那些随时随地跟着他的记者暴跳如雷。He got further steamed up about reporters who followed him everywhere, everywhen.