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执着。终于还是零落的溃不成军。Persistent. Finally the scattered be utterly routed.

建筑师、土地购买者和销售人员被零落。Architects, landbuyers and sales staff were shunted aside.

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真是“一阵风来碧浪翻,珍珠零落难收拾”。It is" a gust of wind to Ariel, pearl and difficult to clean".

阳光零落地撒在天际,暮色爬上了山丘。Sunlight splintered on the horizon as dusk settled into the hills.

你园中的花朵从未在温柔的死亡中零落尘埃吗?Do the flowers never drop on the dust in soft death in your garden?

零落残魂倍黯然,双垂别泪越江边。The ghost had scattered times, don't tear the double hanging river.

因而,人类毛发的零落不象植物那样是同步的。Therefore, humans do not shed hair synchronously, as most animals do.

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该项研究的作者承认这些区别的数据是零落分散的。The data on these differences are patchy, the study’s authors acknowledge.

萨莉·斯潘塞·托马斯还怀疑零落的社会联系也扮演着角色。Sally Spencer-Thomas also suspects that fraying social ties may play a role.

每日日夕扣齿各60次,可健齿防牙病和牙齿零落等。Daily Rixi buckle teeth 60 times each, can prevent dental teeth and tooth loss.

时间的流逝,似乎只存在于从滂沱到零落的雨滴之中。The passage in time, seem to exist in from torrentially get to scattered raindrop.

拂晓——这绚丽多彩的花儿——零落凋落了,于是那朴实的光明之果实——太阳冉冉升起。Dawn — the many coloured flower — fades, and then simple light fruit, the sun appears.

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鞋子零落在我们脚下的碎石间。墙纸也依稀可见。Lost shoes can be found in the rubble, glimpses of wallpaper are visible on certain walls.

妳我注定就像两片相邻的树叶,若即若离,然后壹起枯萎零落。Doomed just like you and me two adjacent leaves, Ruojiruoli, and then wither away together.

于是不经意想到女人的姿态也会如花一样,会含苞待放,也会零落成泥。So think of a woman's gesture inadvertently flowery also just as Moon, will be scattered into mud.

春,一任群芳妒,零落成泥碾作尘,只有香如故。The spring term Qunfang jealousy, grind to dust scattered into the mud, only the fragrant as ever.

法官和莫尔斯先生把谈话限制在了彼此之间。其他的谈话也零落散漫。Morse confining their talk to each other, and the rest of the conversation being extremely desultory.

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昨日之友或为今日之敌,譬如昨日之花已于今日零落。Otherwise, yesterday's friend will become today's enemy, as yesterday's flower will become today's dust.

风骤起,我走过梅林,穿过花间,任那零落的花瓣沾满衣襟,经霜的青丝风中飞舞。Wind Rising, I walked Meilin, through the flowers, he scattered the petals covered by cream flying wind.

“尽管姿态很美,但最终也逃不过‘零落成泥碾作尘’的悲哀”。Despite the beautiful gesture, but ultimately can not escape 'grind to dust scattered into the mud' tragedy.