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你应该欢欢喜喜地回家去见他。And you should be glad to go home, and to see him.

人们因孩子的出生而欢欢喜喜欢呼雀跃。The birth of a baby is usually an occasion for joy.

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一副好心肠,一身天塌下来都可以欢欢喜喜过日子的本事。A good heart , suit the sky fell along with all can.

秋尽冬来,一个提神醒脑的日子就这样欢欢喜喜地开始了。This was the glad commencement of a bracing day in early winter.

找著了,就欢欢喜喜的扛在肩上,回到家里。And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

两个小时之前你欢欢喜喜的出去参加同学聚会了啊。Two hours ago you went to attend the class party in high spirits.

每逢为你们众人祈求的时候,常是欢欢喜喜的祈求Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy

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那两个人欢欢喜喜,不言不语,对这份财宝注视了一会儿。The two men contemplated the treasure a while in blissful silence.

他们就欢欢喜喜地颂赞耶和华,低头敬拜。So they sang praises with gladness and bowed their heads and worshiped.

三个年轻的妇女感谢聪明的孩子,欢欢喜喜地回娘家了。The three young women thanked the wise child, and went on their way rejoicing.

圣诞节和新年同往年过节一样,欢欢喜喜庆祝过了。The Christmas and New year as same as agone New year, we have happy celebrated it.

亚甲就欢欢喜喜地来到他面前,心里说,死亡的苦难必定过去了。" Agag came to him confidently, thinking, "Surely the bitterness of death is past."

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并叫我顺着神的旨意,欢欢喜喜的到你们那里,与你们同得安息。That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed.

“啊,做到吧,”他欢欢喜喜地说,“你只要吹一声口哨他就会赶快跑来的。”"Oh, go on, " he said jovially. "All you have to do is whistle and he'll come running. "

“啊,做到吧,”他欢欢喜喜地说,“你只要吹一声口哨他就会赶紧跑来的。”"Oh, go on, " he said jovially. "All you have to do is whistle and he'll come running. "

她父见了那人,便欢欢喜喜地迎接。She took him into her father's house, and when her father saw him, he gladly welcomed him.

啊,只要上帝在我最后的苦痛时给我力量把他掐死,我就会欢欢喜喜地下地狱的。Oh, if God would but give me str gth to strangle him my last agony, I'd go to hell with joy.

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富翁死后,仆人便欢欢喜喜地拿着遗嘱去寻找主人的儿子。Millionaire died, servant he rejoiced ground to take testamentary to search for master's son.

亲爱的,为什么你看起来不高兴呢?两个小时之前你欢欢喜喜的出去参加同学聚会了啊。Darling, why you looks so unhappy?Two hours ago you went to attend the class party in high spirits.

那七十个人欢欢喜喜的回来说,主阿,因你的名,就是鬼也服了我们。And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.