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猫妈妈一共有四个宝宝,这四个宝宝的从小深得猫妈真传,个个张牙舞爪。The four babies of the cat mother are all very ferocious too.

武元甲在南越构筑的情报网得到了孙子真传。Suntzu would have been impressed with general giap's spy network in South Vietnam.

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作品纯以故事取得胜利,笔法极具金庸真传,场面壮观。The story works pure to victory, writing very Jin Yong completely, the spectacular scenes.

超级享受麦蒂背传给姚明,姚明假投真传回麦蒂,麦蒂用一个超级过桥投进的那个球。Extremely enjoy the ball T-mac back pass to Yao, Yao fake and thow it back to T who with an incredible reverse.

拜王通圣道长为师,同时也得到武当南宗掌门人王通和的真传。Wang Tong Sheng Road, thanks to long for the division, but also by the head of the Wudang Sect Wang Tong and the true mass.

劲力与变化在武术的习练中,是很难求得的东西“真传一张纸,假传万卷书”。Force and change are rare in wushu practice. The authentic can be as thin as a paper while the false thick as rolls of books.

大师撒奇的小弟子乔纳斯是一个孤儿,他在大师的精心栽培下掌握了师父所有的真传。Master Thach little disciples Jonas was an orphan, his master, under the careful cultivation of the true master of all master transmission.

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当然是女生们心目中的最爱——皇室单身汉哈利王子!他的红发碧眼显然是得了曾曾祖母的真传啦。Why, our favorite eligible royal bachelor Prince Harry, whose red hair and blue eyes were clearly passed down from his great-great-grandmother.

根据亲身经历,我有几点建议,其中也包括我高中拉丁语和希腊语老师的真传。I made a few suggestions based on my own experience. One involved a very valuable fact which I learned from my high school Latin and Greek teacher.

在1988年和1989年和伯恩斯坦一起创办了德国国际音乐节,受伯恩斯坦大师的真传,阿德霍尔德在艺术道路上建树颇丰。In 1988 and 1989 and with the founder of Bernstein International Music Festival in Germany, by the master of the true mass Bernstein, Aderhold achievements in the arts quite good on the road.