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他们通过挖掘地道进入,等待实施一次反攻。They were dug in, awaiting a counter-attack.

削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

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缅北反攻终于开端。Simeon north counter-offensive finally beginning.

他们今天开始全线反攻。They started to countercharge on all fronts today.

我们向敌人发起了反攻。To launch an attack against a target, using a firebomb.

1942年11月,俄国人发起了一场反攻。In November 1942, the Russians launched a counterattack.

现在只剩下谁执行反攻的问题了。Which leaves the problem of who carries out the counterattacks.

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同时,全面大反攻的准备工作业已着手进行。Meanwhile, preparations went on for an all-out counteroffensive.

布朗从政治墓地反攻的事迹可能成为史诗。Mr Brown's fightback from the political graveyard would be epic.

由开球、反攻踢或自由踢而进门的球不算得分。A goal cannot be scored from a kick- off, drop- out or free kick.

他决定相信天气预报,于是,反攻行动今天拉开了序幕。He decided to trust the forecast. And so to-day the invasion began.

而厚黑则在第四局的反攻中打出了一支三分打点的二垒安打。Jorge Posada had a three-run double to cap the rally in the fourth.

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盟国发射成功反攻在马恩和亚眠。Allies launch successful counter-offensives at the Marne and Amiens.

又将如何带领森林中的动物向狩猎的人发起绝地大反攻呢?How will lead the forest to hunt the animals who initiated the Jedi it?

美方立刻表示不支持台湾反攻大陆。The counter-offensive immediately said don't support Taiwan's mainland.

反对派的阵线已经稳固,开始展开反攻。Front, the opposition has been strong, began to expand counter-offensive.

反政府武装一直试图击退由卡扎菲部队反攻。Rebels have been trying to fight off a counter-offensive by Gaddafi forces.

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因为反攻才刚刚开始,并将愈演愈烈。Because the counteroffensive is just beginning, and it's going to be fierce.

过黄河实际上就是开始反攻。Crossing the Yellow River was actually the beginning of the counteroffensive.

这些事件很使我感到震惊,尤其是八路军的转入反攻。All of these things greatly surprised me, but especially the counter-offensive.