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拜拜了。Bye-bye now.

直到呯的一声倒下说拜拜。Until bang and bye bye.

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谢谢,我会的。拜拜。Thanks, I will. Bye-bye.

给我回电话,拜拜。So call me back. Bye-bye.

我先走一步了。拜拜。I have to go now. Bye-bye.

下班了,你忙吧,拜拜。Work, and you're busy, bye.

那么我挂电话了!拜拜!Then I'll hang up ! Byebye !

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非常感谢。拜拜。Thanks very much. And good-bye.

好的,下次见!拜拜!Well, See you next time! Byebye!

拜拜,别忘了请假条。Bye. Don't forget about that note.

向梅问好,拜拜。Thanks Tony. Say hello to May, bye.

我要睡觉了,好困啊,拜拜。I want to sleep, good storm ah, bye.

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这是美国四年一度的大拜拜。For a ritual we pratice every four years.

我们要出去事变了,拜拜,白雪。Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, S. W.

再见,别了,再会,拜拜。So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye.

人们真打算和文件系统说拜拜了吗?Do people want the file system to go bye-bye?

嗨,你好吗,外面在下着雨,我爱你,拜拜。Hi, how are you, it’s raining, I love you, bye.

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突然,安吉拉闪出来,要永远跟我说拜拜。Suddenly, Angela popped up with a forever adios.

再过差不多1000万年,它就该拜拜了。Another 10 million years or so, and it's a goner.

初级课向“鸡爪手”说拜拜!Primary lesson to the "hand palmatum" Shuibai Bai!