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不过我还是更喜欢草纸。But I still prefer the paper.

埃及人书写用薄草纸。The Egyptians wrote on papyrus.

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你知道草纸有多贵吗?Do you know the price of papyrus?

再回头来谈生意吧鸡蛋、刮胡泡沫、长卷草纸…But back to business. Eggs, shaving cream, toilet paper.

那位妇女被他感动了,把草纸还给了华罗庚。The woman was moved by Hua. She gave the scratch paper to him.

所有人都很有钱,铜板很少出现,一张一张的银票比草纸还便宜。Everyone is rich, copper coins is seldom seen, but bank notes are cheaper than paper.

今天,无论存放在何地的纸草纸文献都面临自燃被毁的危险。Today, the papyrus documents everywhere are faced with danger of spontaneous combustion.

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一天,她收到了一封信,拆开来里面是1500元钱还有一个泛黄的草纸,里面写着。One day, she receives a letter, which is open to 1500 yuan has a yellowed papyrus, which was written in.

比起世界上其他地方所使用烤粘土、草纸和羊皮纸,这种纸的质量要好得多。The paper was superior in quality to the baked clay, papyrus and parchment used in other parts of the world.

由于通草纸很容易破裂,所以很少有大尺寸的作品,加上难以保存,目前传世不多。Because of the fragile pith paper, the size of paintings was usually small and they were not easy to conserve.

他们是用一把铁片磨成的“小刻刀”,将黄色的草纸刻成五颗五角星。They are ground into metal plates with a "small knife", will be carved into five yellow five-pointed star of toilet paper.

一些草纸文献记录了随后的审判过程。大部分草纸文献保存在英国博物馆里。Proceedings of the trials which ensued have survived on several papyrus rolls, most of which are kept in the British Museum.

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他看不进去书,也做不进去习题,书页中,草纸上,都是女孩俏丽的身影和温柔的笑。He did not get the book, but also do not get exercise, book page, toilet paper, the girls are pretty and gentle figure of laughter.

然,当我打开那一层层的草纸露出了那一口儿口儿的点心时,父亲笑了,可母亲却哭了……。However, after my opening the paper, seeing that little piece was such a little one, my father smiled while my motherburst into tears.

他们将这个标识刻在用来建造房屋的石头上,也将其印在用来记录药品和医生的草纸卷上。They cut this sign in the stones they used for buildings. And it was painted on the papyrus rolls used for writing about medicine and doctors.

见TB系列标准长度和尺寸我们可以根据用户提供的草纸来为您提供要求的长度和尺寸,仅表示滑块。See SB series of standard lengths and sizes we can provide the toilet paper to provide you with the length and size requirements, only that the slider.

现在,科学家利用从卫星技术发展来的多光谱成像技术来解读牛津大学萨克勒图书馆保管的埃及奥斯莱卡浦草纸古卷。Now scientists are using multi-spectral imaging techniques developed from satellite technology to read the papyri at Oxford University's Sackler Library.

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人们看到一个新发明,会告诉朋友,或者刻上岩壁,写上草纸,写进歌曲,写进书里,报纸,电台,电视,电影,诗篇,网络。People see a new invention, then they tell friends about it, or they put it onto a cave wall, papyrus, into song, or a book, newspaper, radio, TV, movies, poems, the internet.

虽然测试无法精确指出酒中到底有哪几种以上的草药,但这些草药都出现在古埃及医学的沙草纸上,可用于治疗一系列疾病。Unfortunately, the tests aren't precise enough to pinpoint exactly which of these herbs were in the wine, but all of them show up in Egyptian medical papyri as treatments for a number of ailments.

质地要通透多孔,但幼根不能穿入纸中。国外已有不少国家都生产有专用的种子发芽纸,而国内至今还没有一种专门供种子发芽用的纸张,长期以来使用的是普通滤纸、卫生纸、乃至黄草纸等代用品。The paper possesses excellent texture that the roots of germinating seedlings will grow on and not into it, and can be used as the substrate in the container as well as the roll for seed germination.