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声誉是良习的影子。Glory is the shadow of virtue.

马基维利值得这样的声誉吗?。Did he deserve this reputation?

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她是位声誉卓著的作家。She is a writer of great renown.

但偶们也有着良好的声誉。But we also have a good reputation.

他缕滴失败使他的声誉受到很刁损害。His failures did his a lot of harm.

这样的书给作者带来声誉。Such a book does credit to the writer.

地位的第二种形式是声誉。The second kind of status is prestige.

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产品遍布全国各地,声誉卓著。Products across the country, reputable.

这样的电影给导演带来声誉。Such a film does credit to the director.

他们的声誉是否受损了?Have they had their reputations tarnished?

性丑闻玷污了总统的声誉。The sexual scandals dirtied the president.

这家公司做事可靠,声誉卓著。The company has a good name for reliability.

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卑劣的手段会影响你的声誉。Underhandedness will affect your reputation.

使我箝口结舌,一提起你声誉!To make me tongue-tied speaking of your fame.

有着钱和声誉,他照旧烦懑乐。With all his money and fame, he is not happy.

他毅然辞职,以挽回自己的声誉。He redeemed his honour by resigning resolutely.

在辩论中他常常利用自己的嗓子赢得声誉。In debate he often parlays his voice into fame.

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这种习惯可能会损害你的声誉。Such a habit may derogate from your reputation.

那不道德的行为损害了她的声誉。That unmoral behaviour has hurt her reputation.

他的行为有损于他父母的声誉。His behaviour reflects dishonour on his parents.