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军医问我。The medic asked.

成型,50军医间距,双列直插式电阻网络。Molded, 50 Mil Pitch, Dual-In-Line Resistor Networks.

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战场上的军医也不可能将检体送到检验室。Medics on battlefields cannot just send a sample to a lab either.

成型,50军医间距,双列直插式电阻网络窄体。Molded, 50 Mil Pitch, Dual-In-Line Resistor Networks Narrow Body.

毕业于空军军医学校医疗系。Graduated from the Medical Department of the Air Force Medical School.

我叔叔是位严格而又倔强的军医,他曾身经两次大战。My uncle was a hard-nosed army officer who had seen service in two wars.

军医孔林每年夏天都要回农村老家跟妻子淑玉商量一次离婚。Every summer Lin Kong returned to Goose Village to divorce his wife, Shuyu.

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军医孔林每年炎天都要回农村老家跟妻子淑玉筹议一次离婚。Every summer Lin Kong returned to Goose Village to divorce his wife, Shuyu.

读了这篇文章之后,尽管我是一个战地军医,眼泪还是情不自禁往下落。After reading this, and as a war-zone Army vet, tears still come to my eyes.

直升机应该到这里了,我们抬他离开这里,"军医说。"The helicopter should be here, let's get him out of here, " the medic said.

军医孔林每年夏天都要回墟落老家跟妻子淑玉研讨一次离婚。Every summer Lin Kong returned to Goose Villtheir age to divorce his wife- Shuyu.

这位老人名叫石井十世,60年前曾在这里的陆军军医学院做护士。The old man called Ishii X. , 60 years ago here in the Army Medical School nurses.

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接着解雇了陆军部长并赶走了陆军军医署长。Then he fired the secretary of the Army and forced out the Army's surgeon general.

作为一门古老技术的从业者,一名针灸军医在接待一名聋哑人。Practitioner of an ancient art, an army specialist in acupuncture treats a deaf-mute.

二姨两口子都是军医,后以师级干部待遇退休。Second aunt couple are Medical, division-level cadres after the treatment of retirement.

这位军医能讲几句洋泾浜的越南语,护士也能讲几句半生不熟的法语。The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of highschool French.

当营救的支奴干最后到达的时候,一个军医走出来跪在尸体面前。When the rescue Chinook eventually arrived a medic stepped out and knelt over the corpse.

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最后,一名美国海军的军医同他的护士带着他们的药箱乘一辆吉普车到达了该村。Finally, an American Navy doctor and nurse arrived in a jeep with only their medical kits.

可约翰的哥哥刚入伍没几天,而且也是这个军医给他做的检查。But John's brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too.

一位军医有50岁左右,留着一头浓密的灰色头发,长着浓密的眉毛,他走到基斯身旁跪下了下来。One medic who was in his fifties, with a full head of gray hair and bushy eyebrows knelt beside Keith.