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接着是夜晚的凯旋门。The Triumphal arch, at night.

十二条大街从凯旋门向外伸展出去。Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch.

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澳门凯旋门凯旋会卡是由澳门凯旋门发出。The L'Arc card is sent to the applicant by L'Arc Macau.

他们建了凯旋门来纪念胜利。They built a triumphal arch to memorialize their victory.

凯旋门始建于1806年,是拿破仑为纪念他的胜利而修建的。It was built in 1806 by Napoleon to celebrate his victories.

是欧洲100多座凯旋门中最大的一座。More than 100 of Europes largest one in the Arc de Triomphe.

仅需简短步行即可到达香榭大道和凯旋门。Located only a short walk from Champs Elysees&Arc de Triomphe.

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仅需简短步行即可到达香榭大道和凯旋门。Located only a short walk from Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe.

凯旋门在这个富有想象的城市里更显其浪漫。Arc de Triomphe and imaginative in the city even more of their romance.

从巴黎市中心凯旋门延伸出十二条繁华的大街通向四面八方。The centre of Paris,the Arch of Triumph, rays out into twelve busy streets.

从巴黎市中心凯旋门延伸出十二条繁华的大街。Thee centre of Paris, the Arch of Triumph, rays out into twelve busy streets.

然后,我们移近凯旋门,其中一个在世界上最繁忙的出入。We then moved closer to the Arc de Triomphe, one of the busiest roundabouts in the world.

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“凯旋门”住宅区毗邻正在建造的九龙国际商务中心写字楼。The Arch is close to a yet-to-be-completed office tower, the International Commerce Centre.

第一次看到阿罕布拉的凯旋门时,感到和诧异。Alhambra resident Jenny Hu felt surprised and disappointed when she first saw the Alhambra Arch.

星期五早晨,在巴黎,有大约20名活动分子在胡先生访问凯旋门时试图接近他。In Paris on Friday morning around 20 activists approached Mr Hu as he visited the Arc de Triomphe.

凯旋门是巴黎的一座为了庆祝胜利而建的拱门,它纪念拿破仑取得的军事胜利。The arc de triomphe is a triumphant arch in paris which commemorates napoleon's military victories.

会见前,胡锦涛在凯旋门向无名烈士墓献花圈。Prior to the meeting, Hu laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier beneath the Arc de Triomphe.

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多数国家有战争纪念碑或纪念馆、颂扬英勇战役的铜雕、凯旋门。Most nations have monuments or memorials to war, bronze salutations to heroic battles, archways of triumph.

巴黎图片画廊。这著名的使人难忘的弓形凯旋门纪念军事胜利和标志的十字路口,在12街道。The famously imposing Arc de Triomphe memorializes military victory and marks the crossroads of 12 streets.

巴黎最吸引人的风景线就是香榭丽舍田园大道,凯旋门,和戴高乐广场。The most fascinating sceneries in paris are champs-elysees rural road, DE triomphe and charles DE gaulle square.