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只能兜售叫卖在通衢。Peddled in the thoroughfares.

走向任何通衢,都有歌声悦耳。In every street theses tunes our ears do greet.

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住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.

住在通衢大道上的最大缺点就是噪声不断。E. G. 1 The great drawback to living on a main road is the constant noise.

着重论述了天下通衢物流网的实现与设计过程。Emphasize the treatise the world main thoroughfare logistics net realizes with design the process.

它是个人自由和个人幸福的关键所在,它是将你引领到成功和自我价值实现的通衢大道。It is the key to personal freedom and happiness. It is the high road to great success and fulfillment.

总部座落在九省通衢、信息、交通、物流的大本营---中国。Headquarters located in nine provinces thoroughfare , information, transportation and logistics base in China ---.

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在历史的记忆里,武汉的“九省通衢”,为湖北人留下一片繁华与辉煌的图景。In history, Wuhan's "thoroughfares of nine provinces" left the native of Hubei with the prosperous and magnificent prospect.

在历史的记忆里,武汉的“九省通衢”,为湖北人留下一片繁华与辉煌的图景。Wuhan, due to its reputation of "thoroughfare of nine provinces", has left a great prosperity in history for people of Hubei province.

湖北是楚文化的发祥地,素有“九省通衢”之美名。Hubei, where the Chu Culture originated, is known as "thoroughfare to nine provinces", serves as traffic hub linking all places in China.

武汉以其“九省通衢”、“直据三原”、“夹两江带七水”的得天独厚的区位优势,历来为我国中部地区的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。Wuhan, with its gifted position advantage, has been always politics, economy, culture and traffic centre for our country"s central part."

自古是我国内地重要商埠的聚集地,久有“九省通衢”之称。Was since old times our country inland important commercial port accumulation place, the long time has "nine province thoroughfares" the name.

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旅游用品,武汉帐篷,户外设备我公司地处九省通衢的武汉市,是中南地区唯一的休闲帐蓬生产基地。Our company is located in Wuhan of the thoroughfare of nine Provinces, it is the only recreation tent production base of middle and southern area.

湖北恒泰国际贸易有限公司,坐落在有九省通衢之称的江城武汉。Hubei Hetek International Trade Co. , Ltd was located in A River City of WuHan where has long been well known as a "thoroughfare to nine provinces".

武汉鑫恒隆工贸有限责任公司位于自古被称为“九省通衢”美称的湖北省武汉市,交通发达。Wuhan Xinhenglong Industry & Trading Co. , Ltd is located in Wuhan city of Hubei province which is famous for the good name of "nine-province thoroughfare".

汉代道教组织曾在四川等地的一些主要通衢大道上设立“义舍”,内悬米肉,供行路之人免费取用。In the Han Dynasty, Taoists set up "public houses" at the sides of main roads in Sichuan Province, where they left rice and meat free for consumption by passers-by.

由于陆桥东端经济发展水平不高等因素,大陆桥的通衢、辐射、拉力作用发挥不够。As the east end of the bridge is under-developed, the functions of the passage, radiation and pulling force of the continental bridge are not brought into full play.

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由于明中叶后九省通衢大市场的逐步扩张,武汉庙会适应社会需要而迅速嬗变。尤其是汉口镇会馆公所商办庙会的兴盛,在一定程度上刺激了武汉近代商品经济的发展。Since the nine-province thoroughfare market expanded gradually after the middle of the Ming Dynasty, Wuhan temple fair fit in with the needs of the society and evolved rapidly.

京福高速公路、104国道、京沪铁路贯穿南北,自古为“三国五邑、九省通衢”之地。Beijing-Fuzhou highway, 104National Road, the Beijing-Shanghai Railway runs through the north and the south, since ancient times as"FDBWA Three, nine province thoroughfare"place.

在历史的记忆里,武汉的“九省通衢”,为湖北人留下一片繁华与辉煌的图景。In the memory of history, the fact that Wuhan used to be "the transportation junction of nine provinces" has left people of Hubei Province a prosperous and splendorous perspective.