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我父亲是个老古板。My father is a square.

天哪,我看起来象个老古板。请欣赏。God i look like a dork. Enjoy!

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对,我老板是个老古板。Yeah, my boss is a real stiff.

我的老姨妈都很古板。My old aunts are very strait-laced.

美国的新闻记者可能会有些古板。America 's journalists can be a little prudish.

她古板得成了十足的老处女。She had stiffened into a pronounced spinsterhood.

别浪费你的时间了,你不知道他是个老古板吗?Don't waste your time. Don't you know he's square?

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别那麽老古板嘛。我想要来开心一下。Dont be such a stick-in-the-mud. I want to have fun.

为什么我们公司都是一些古板的外年人?How come everyone in our company is middle-aged stuffy?

当我说我热爱真理,他认为我是个古板守旧的老顽固。He thought i was a square when i said i loved the truth.

那女孩古板的像个僵尸。That girl’s so stiff it looks like rigamortis has set in!

英国人太古板,都想不出一个可谈的话题。The Britsh are too dull to think of anything to talk about.

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我看他有六七十岁了,古板之极。To me he looked to be sixty or seventy and excessively prim.

如果不这么做,你就会变得古板保守,那么你的顾客就会感到厌倦。If you don't, you become staid, and your customers get tired.

该小说是对美国古板的清教价值观的辛辣控诉。The book is a biting indictment of the US' puritanical values.

板块构造理论是古板块分区的基础。The theory of plate tectonics is the division of palaeo-plates.

我的邻居是个老古板,而且他才三十二岁。My neighbor is a real stick-in-the-mud, and he's only thirty-two.

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查理真是个老古板。他连网络是什么都不知道。Charlie is such a dinosaur. ?He doesn't even know what the Internet is.

恰恰相反,直到1997年私有化前,它一直是家古板的国有公司。Rather, it was a staid state-owned firm until it was privatised in 1997.

月亮白得可爱,但又不白得古板,而是白得透明。A lovely white moon, but not a rigid white, but white in the transparent.