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你我形同陌路,相遇也是恩泽一场。You and I strangers meet is a grace.

我接受您的恩泽,心中非常激动。I accept your Enze, he is very excited.

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我看见一丝光亮,些许恩泽,稍微绽放的信念。I see a light, little grace, little faith unfurl.

你我形同陌路,相遇也是恩泽一场。You I shape with stranger, meet also owes a game.

愿朱庇特神赐给你恩泽绵绵!May Jupiter continue to give you his gifts without end!

这太阳并不想从主的恩泽中获取王冠或法袍。This Sun doesn't want a crown or robe from God's grace.

只有爱才是具有最终治救力量的恩泽。It is love that proves to be the ultimate healing grace.

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希望丘比特继续把他那慷慨无尽的恩泽倾注于你!May Jupiter continue to pour on thee his bounteous gifts!

丰富的矿藏,是大自然给我们的恩泽!Abundant mineral resources are bounties bestowed by nature.

而裁缝鸟则是仰大自然的恩泽。But tailor's bird then the bounty of admire great universe.

所以,我必须竭尽我的所能,回报我所接受到的并且还在源源而来的恩泽。So I must try to repay whatever I have received and am receiving.

你能在他们的面目上认识恩泽的光华。Thou wilt recognise in their faces the beaming brightness of Bliss.

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他生活在幸运的微笑之中,承受着伟人的恩泽。He lived in the smiles of fortune and basked in the favor of the great.

愿龙王的恩泽远播广传以利益更多的有情!May the grace of Dragon King spread far and wide to benefit more beings!

你对恩泽理解的越深,你会被它的魅力深深触动。The more you understand grace, the more you're going to be amazed by it.

我们应该学会把伤害记在沙地上,把恩泽刻在石头上把这句话。Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to carve your benefits in stone.

首都班吉的居民吉米•恩泽克说,人们盼望法国能派更多军队。A resident of the capital Bangui says people there want more French troops.

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受尽不朽女王恩泽的僧侣被认为是娜迦帝国的心脏与思想。Monks of the Eternal Empress are said to be the heart and mind of the Naga Empire.

我在电视看到他的音乐会,他昂首阔步,触踫观众伸出来的手以示恩泽。I'm talking about Tim McGraw, the country music megastar. I saw him in concert on TV.

也许,阳光的恩泽正无声地祝福着这片离太阳最近的土地吧。Maybe, sunshine favor is silently blessing with this piece of land from the sun's recently.