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我们上网冲浪。We surf the Web.

我在这上网冲浪。I'm surfing the net.

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你正在风帆冲浪!You are windsurfing!

闲暇是别忘上网冲浪。Surf the net leisure.

你想去冲浪吗?Do you like to go surfing?

我本来计划去冲浪的,I had plans to go surfing,

我大约一周上网冲浪一次。I the Internet once a week.

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你经常冲浪吗?Have you been surfing a lot?

这儿能乘风冲浪吗?Can we go wind- surfing here?

今天冲浪怎么样?。What's the surfing lide today?

一种所谓的冲浪,还挺有趣。One knid of surfing, very funny.

去年夏天他常去冲浪。He used to sailboard last summer.

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你可以去那游泳和冲浪,你会喜欢这些的。Can go swimming and surf of theer.

今天是冲浪运动的好天气。It's good weather for windsurfing.

更多关于风帆冲浪或划独木舟吗?More into windsurfing or kayaking?

很难。是的,我教别人冲浪。Really hard. Yeah, I teach people.

他每天上网冲浪。He surfs on the Internet every day.

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我爱冲浪和沙滩排球。I love surfing and sand volleyball.

下午我都去风帆冲浪。I went windsurfing most afternoons.

但我不知道怎样冲浪。You've never canoed before, have you?