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一群好战的牧师呼吁建立通过征伐将所有奥术施法者从大陆驱逐。A militant cleric calls for a crusade to expel all arcane spell casters from the continent.

公元429年北魏太武帝征伐东部高车后,迁移至嫩江流域。The tribe was migrated to Neng River area when the North Wei Dynasty conquered Gao Che in 429.

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古尔丹觉得时机已经成熟了,就将互相征伐的各个氏族联合成了一个统一的、无可阻挡的部落。Sensing that the time had come, Gul'dan united the warring clans into a single unstoppable Horde.

一是忽必烈本人“虽在征伐之间,每存仁爱之念,博施济众,实可为天下主”。First, Khan I, " although in between the conquest, each deposit studied humanity, bosch public relief, it can master the world."

你乖乖把糖果奉上,送他们离开。孩子们继续走向那些装饰着蛛网,墓碑和南瓜灯笼的房子,去征伐你的邻居。You hand them candy and send them on their way to other houses decorated with spider webs tombstones and glowing hollowed-out pumpkins.

为了寻找黄金,公司多次派遣远征军到东部地区,在探金的同时疯狂地对原住民进行武力征伐。The company set out expeditionary army to east areas for several times for gold. At the same time, they still killed the aborigines cruelly.

第三章从所见征伐方囯、战争的参与者、战利品、军事词汇四个角度整理了何组所见的战争卜辞。Chapter three arranges War Speech seen by Ho Group from four points of view of Fang Conquest, war leaders, military activities, the spoils of war.

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在这个被称为春秋的时期,周王朝治下的这些强大而独立诸侯王国持续互相征伐,不过偶尔遵从一下周王朝的命令。Many strong, independent states continually waged war with each other in the Spring and Autumn period, only occasionally deferring to the Zhou king.

殷卜辞反映出举族与商王室同姓,常受商王之命从事农稼、田猎、征伐活动。The oracle inscriptions of the Yin Dynasty on tortoise shells or animal bones reflected that the Ju clan and Shang royal family used the same family name.

历史上千奇百怪的战争藉口层出不穷,但因一家糕饼店的损失而兴兵征伐一个国家,真是合理的藉口吗?Highly creative justifications for war have been made throughout history. But is invading a country on account of damage to a pastry shop really justifiable?

据史籍记载,大禹时期三苗部族多次反叛,征伐多次未能使之降服。According to the historical records, during the reign of Great Yu, the three Miao tribes rebelled several times and didn't surrender after repeated conquests.

特别是他开疆拓土,征伐四夷的举措,为后世的疆域奠定了基础。Particularly, the measures of expanding territory and conquering all the minority nations that he took laid a solid foundation for territory of latter generations.

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哥伦布的远航开启了欧洲向美洲大陆扩张的新时代,也开启了人类历史上史无前例的征伐时代。The voyages of Christopher Columbus launched a new era of European expansion into the American continent. They brought a collision of worlds unprecedented in human history.

卜辞内容主要是跟征伐有关,大字用双刀刻,充份表现出「雄健宏伟」的书体风格。The oracular inscription's contents primarily have to do with punitive expeditions. Two strokes were used to carve the large characters, which fully demonstrate an energetic calligraphic style.

帝国仍然不断成长,西元第二世纪向东征伐,纳入米索不达米亚、叙利亚及阿拉伯,帝国领土东西延伸三千哩。And even now the empire grew in the 2nd Century AD shifting eastward to add Mesopotamia, Syria and Arabia. The empire now stretched 3,000 miles from end to distant end. Riches continued to pour in.

由于欧洲独特的地理条件,和当时有限的科技水平,使未来的征伐者很难建立一个广袤的帝国,清除异己和使他的意志,传播到广袤领地的每一个角落The barriers to unity presented by European geography and very limited technology made it hard for a would-be conqueror to create a vast empire, eliminating competitors and imposing his will over vast areas.