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茫然的双眼不再哭泣,苛政憔悴了你们的脸!With hollow eyes that cannot weep, and for words your faces wan?

你们记住,老虎吃人,可是苛政比老虎还要凶猛啊!Remember, tigers devour people, but tyranny is fiercer than tigers!

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是为了从马克思主义者的苛政解放普通中国人的行动。It is an action to liberate general Chinese from Marxist's misgovernment.

世界在漠然的苛政中为善者承受极大的痛楚。The world suffers most from the disinterested tyranny of its well wisher.

灾难性饥荒和伊斯兰狂热分子的苛政给索马里人民带来深重灾难。A people plagued by catastrophic famine—and the tyranny of Islamist fanatics.

百姓在这种苛政下疲于奔命,有些人实在受不了就只好挺而走险。People are tired out under the severe governance. Some can't stand and then take risk in desperation.

二分法部分或平衡自由意志地域是宽容一切甚至苛政。Part of the dichotomy or balancing in a free-will zone is the allowance of all things, even tyrannies.

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互联网在政治方面也极大的增强了那些遭受严苛政府盘剥的个人的力量。Politically, the Internet has been able to massively empower individuals suffering under oppressive governments.

至于第二次错失机会,原因在于中国文化上的自负加上日益严重的苛政,使得中国尤其不善学习。As for the second failure, China's cultural triumphalism combined with petty downward tyranny made it a singularly bad learner.

公元805年的柳宗元,因曾怀疑孔子的“苛政猛于虎”,而得以见证“赋敛之毒,有甚是蛇”。Liu Zongyuan year AD 805, as had been suspected of Confucius, "tyranny is fiercer than a tiger" and to witness the "Fu Lianzhi drugs, and there is even a snake.

从“为政以德”的基本原则出发,儒家倡导德泊、仁政,反对暴政、苛政。Proceeding from the principle of "rule by moral force", the Confucianists promote "rule of virtue" and "policy of benevolence" and oppose tyranny and harsh government.

葡萄牙国将实施大幅度苛政,成为欧洲最晚对希腊财政危机作反应的国家,这一措施是以防止葡萄牙也惨遭希腊经历的财政浩劫。PORTUGAL’S parliament is set to become the latest Europe legislature to endorse sweeping austerity measures in an effort to avoid the sort of fiscal crisis that has hit Greece.