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一只螃蟹有十只脚。A crab has ten feet.

螃蟹是乔治·盖博抓的。Crabs George Gabs grabs.

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乔治·盖布斯抓螃蟹。George Gabs grabs crabs.

我也一样,他是个老螃蟹。Neither do I. He's a crab.

螃蟹想吹泡泡。Crab wanted to blow bubbles.

什么时候乔治·盖博抓的螃蟹。When George Gabs grabs crabs.

螃蟹,虾和蔬菜汤!Crab, shrimp and vegetable soup!

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乔治·盖博怎么抓的螃蟹?How does George Gabs grab crabs?

网住了大螃蟹。A catch of giant crabs in the nets.

你无法叫螃蟹直着走。本性难移,不必强人所难。You can't make a crab walk straight.

特指阿拉斯加螃蟹王的腿。Legs of especially alaska king crabs.

螃蟹有两个又大又锋利的钳子。Crabs have two sharp and large pincers.

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里面有许多鱼和螃蟹。There are a lot offish and crabs in it.

甲壳素生产从螃蟹和虾炮弹。Chitin Produced from crab &shrimp shells.

这把螃蟹椅具备您期望的所有特质。Crab Chair has everything that you look for.

一只公螃蟹向母螃蟹求婚。A male crab asked a female crab to marry him.

他坐在睡椅上,试图弄破裂一只螃蟹。He sat on his couch and tried to crack a crab.

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不清理,随它去吧。螃蟹会解决它们的。No, you just let it go. The crabs will get it.

还有这边横在路中央的大石头,取横行将军之意——“螃蟹”。The big stone on the road is like a huge crab.

下第一次笼子之后螃蟹就将这个细网子弄破了。The crabs broke this thin net at the first time.