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这儿的一切都很陈旧,You see, everything's old here,

五是陈旧型新闻事实。The fifth is Old-type News Facts.

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陈旧的困惑,空瘪的钱袋。That old perplexity an empty purse.

陈旧的思想观念应当肃清。Outdated ideas should be rooted out.

囿于一个陈旧的,拘束的空间。Confined to a stale, ill-at-ease room.

这本书太陈旧了,很快就破碎了。This book was old and soon fell apart.

那种陈旧的信念盛行了短短一阵子。The old belief enjoyed a short currency.

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西蒙那辆陈旧不堪的车还用吗?。Is Simon's prehistoric car still working?

我可以听到一些陈旧但是很有名的歌曲。I can listen to many old but famous songs.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

她就是要打破人们在这一领域的陈旧观念。Her aim is to break through the stereotypes.

但是你不必继续用这些人的陈旧愿景模型了。But you need not follow their outworn models.

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那里有一扇陈旧的门,门的合叶很难转动。There was an old door there, on crusty hinges.

她恹恹地在陈旧杂乱的旅馆来回走动。Listlessly she went about the disorderly hotel.

探讨陈旧性髌骨骨折的治疗方法。To explore the therapy to old patella fracture.

我在许多方面都只是在重新表述一种很陈旧的想法。In many ways, I am simply restating an old idea.

日本陈旧的家庭法律引起事情纠纷。Japan's antiquated family law complicates matters.

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他们为什么老是说这种陈旧的废话?Why are they sticking with this age-old horseshit?

背诵课是旧式的陈旧的新英格兰的用语。The recitation is an old, archaic, New England term.

我还使这战甲看上去陈旧、没有光泽,并且有些生锈。I also made it look old, tarnished, and little rusty.