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数以千计大大小小的唱片店也都关门大吉了。So did thousands of smaller stores.

而镇上的另外两个工厂也同时关门大吉。Two other plants in the town have also closed.

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围绕如何保持和帮助我关门大吉了?How about staying around and helping me close up shop?

品红决定利用大丰报复福喜,让万福楼关门大吉。She plans to make use of him to exact her plan for revenge.

一个从事“关门大吉”业务出现在拉斯维加斯大道附近。A closed business is seen near Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas.

恐慌蔓延,人们缩在家里不敢出门,全国许多企业都关门大吉。Businesses across the country were shuttered, as people huddled in their homes.

近来数月,二十四家以上的低收入贷款公司关门大吉。In recent months, more than two dozen sub-prime lenders have closed their doors.

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随着大手大脚的消费者缩减支出,预计将有更多的传统商家关门大吉。Expect more bricks and mortar stores to close as overstretched consumers retrench.

按照Flexner报告的精神,当时,许多医学院要么进行了合并要么直接关门大吉了。Following the Flexner report, many medical schools merged or were closed outright.

有趣的是,其他国家主要资本市场,要是出现这么大幅的暴跌就关门大吉了吧Interestingly, most major markets around the world were off by a similar magnitude.

板定梁煤矿的经营者称,政府让他们选择,要么进行现代化改革,要么关门大吉。Managers at Bandingliang say they have been given a choice of modernisation or closure.

大公司的站点能够支付起这项新费用,而与此同时,小公司的站点只能关门大吉。Majorcorporate sites would be able to pay the new fees, while little-guysites could be shut out.

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但是,最近,实在忍受不了黑帮盘剥的便利店老板,最终选择了关门大吉。Recently, however, can not stand gangs exploit the convenience store owner, chose to close down.

据知情人士估计,北京将有100个经销商关门大吉,特别是那些低端和国产品牌的经销商。Insiders estimate about 100 Beijing car dealers will close — mostly lower-end and domestic brands.

有人想接管我的生意,但是我们没有联系到他们,所以我只能直接关门大吉。Someone had offered to buy my business earlier, but I could not contact them, so I simply closed it down.

一些建筑公司关门大吉,因为它们无法得到继续进行开发项目所需的资金。Some builders have shut down because they cannot get the financing they need to proceed with developments.

处于竞争面的主流媒体很高兴看到维基关门大吉,然后就是来自其自我毁灭性的失误的兴奋。Rival mainstream media have been happy to feed off the leaks but then delight in his self-destructive mistakes.

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白星星少了汤喜耀从旁协助,经营的连锁店一间间关门大吉,之前所赚到的钱也慢慢地用完了。What the white stars less Shang Xiyao, business closed chain room by room, before the money also slowly ran out.

一些专门的发行商,像华纳独立影业已经关门大吉,其他的也买片少了。Some specialist distributors, such as Warner Independent Pictures, have closed and others are buying fewer films.

周五,由于罢工的工人要求更好的待遇,丰田具有部分拥有权、制造塑料平板的丰田合成株式会社关门大吉了。On Friday, another factory that makes plastic parts for Toyota was shut down by striking workers demanding better pay.