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实际上是由三个迥异的连接器组成。There are really three fundamentally different linkers.

斯托帕得笔下的人物迥异于今天的俄罗斯人。Mr Stoppard's characters are strangers in today's Russia.

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那里有很多饱受赞美、风格迥异的画廊。And there's amazing different galleries and places to go there.

但是经合组织的数字与中国官方的统计数据迥异。But the OECD figure is quite different to the official Chinese figures.

京剧流派异彩纷呈,风格迥异各有千秋,在京剧舞台与艺坛上熠熠生辉。Beijing Opera has many schools with distinct styles and their own merits.

前后迥异的心态特征影响与其诗歌创作。Effects of different characteristics of mentality and his poetic creation.

我可以独自坐着让脑子里至少有三种迥异的观点互相争辩。I can sit alone and rile myself up thinking about three different opinions.

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以下这十幅随刊发表过的照片,涵盖了迥异的主题。These ten photos, spread through the edition, cover wildly diverse subjects.

之后我去上了大学,学习了各种风格迥异的戏剧。and then I went to college and studied completely different styles of theater.

同具有相似障碍的人类一样,不同病犬之间的症状迥异。Like humans with the analogous disorder, different dogs show different symptoms.

医疗卫生事件与经济物品事件具有迥异的差异性。The medical-health service affair is very different from the economy goods affair.

那两道分叉将这条完整的小道拆成两条方向完全迥异的路。This once integrated path is lacerated into two that extend totally different ways.

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两姐妹虽然个性迥异,但却分享心事,无话不谈。The two sisters although different personality, but share thoughts, no words don't talk.

不过,我并不真正了解他们,所以当下断言二人性格如该隐和亚伯那般迥异未免过于草率。But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.

个性迥异的两兄弟在日本的一间禅宗修道院相聚并且短暂逗留。Two very different brothers get together for a temporary stay in a Japanese zen monastry.

呜呼,创新者的DNA可遇不可得,且迥异于乔布斯的种种产品,全无克隆复制之可能焉。The innovator’s DNA is rare, alas. And unlike Mr Jobs’s products, it is impossible to clone.

香山金源商旅中心酒店的丰盛美食,让口味迥异的宾客大快朵颐。A choice of sumptuous cuisine of all tastes in Fragrant Hill Golden Resources Commerce Hotel.

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那么他信仰的是人-主关系中一个迥异的形式,你所信仰的才是唯一的。Then he believes in a different version of human-divine relation that the one you believe in.

你会找到洋洋自得的小胡子、自命不凡的眼镜男以及一堆个性迥异的人。You'll find preened moustaches, pretentious glasses, a range of characters and personalities.

而5座风格迥异的大桥又将东西两岸紧紧连在一起。And 5 different style of the bridge between the East and West will be closely linked together.