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谴责你的小狗,会不会停止他的咬噬。Reprimanding your puppy will not stop him from biting.

我还记得自己被嫉妒咬噬时的滋味,那让我感觉自己恶毒极了。I can recall being eaten with envy. It made me feel quite ill.

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每年溺海的人数就比遭到鲨鱼咬噬的人数多得多。Many more people drown in the ocean every year than are bitten by sharks.

有一种犯罪的感觉在咬噬着士兵的心灵。Feelings of guilt gnawed away at the soldiers' heart, corroding the armor of his soul.

但最近,他觉得,咬噬着他的灵魂的梦魇再次袭来。But lately he'd reached a point where the disease eating away at his soul was taking over again.

仇恨和哀伤每天咬噬着罗杰和凯瑟的内心,而这对萨拉的凶手却无丝毫影响。Every day they were being consumed by a hatred and bitterness that made no impact whatsoever on Sarah's killer.

你的嘴唇可以在她的身体上自由发挥,舔,轻轻咬噬,略带惩罚性的咬或者吸吮。Your mouth can be applied to various other parts of her body by kissing, licking, nibbling, biting, and sucking.

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无论是什么原因,亲吻,舔或咬噬她的臀部都会让她全身产生一股不可言语的电流。Whatever the reason, kissing, licking and nibbling at her hips will send currents of delight down to her toes and up to the top of her head.

这种痕迹包括在咬噬边缘上骨骼末端的弯曲、刺穿印记、表面的线性印记、剥落、小圆齿状的末端和双拱形的刺印。It includes bent ends of bones, puncture marks, superficial linear marks, peeling, crenulated ends and double arch punctures on the chewed edge.

并非这些所有的特点都是人类咬噬所独有的,不过研究人员认为将它们组合起来就能提供人类吃过的证据。Not all of these features are unique to human chewing, but in combination, the researchers believe the features provide evidence for human eating.