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我将球侧击,可是没打着。I swiped for it, but missed.

每当我正手拍侧击时,总是失误。I always miss when I have to use a forehand swipe.

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只需要在咖啡粉装满之后再侧击、磕匀。I did my knock downs of the bed of coffee only after fully dosing.

如果击球时杆面闭合的话,几乎是不可能打侧击球的。It is almost impossible to hit a Lateral Shot if the blade is closed.

球有可能飞到左侧,但是你不可能侧击的。The ball may go to the left – but I don't think you can hit it late ally.

球有可能飞到左侧,但是你不可能侧击的。The ball may go to the left – but I don't think you can hit it laterally.

他在发球、空对打、侧击、杀等许多方面都无与伦比。He is incomparable in many respects-serving, volleying , swipe, and smash.

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侧击调查的地区,直到在地球时间④小时前,我们与他失去了联系`。Sideswipe surveyed the area, until we lost contact with him four Earth hours ago.

侧击调查的地区,直到在地球时间四小时前,我们与他失去了联系。Sideswipe surveyed the area, until we lost contact with him four Earth hours ago.

我也不太擅长侧击,经常因侧击而将球打在网上。I'm not too good at swiping either. I often swiped the birdie into the net as well.

恐狼在它们能够做到时更喜欢全体攻击,包围和侧击一个敌人。Dire wolves prefer to attack in packs , surrounding and flanking a foe when they can.

我也不太擅长侧击,像你一样,经常因侧击而将球打在网上。I'm not too good at swiping either. I often swiped the birdie into the net just as you did.

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我逃跑的时候被他的侧击击中,但那下子也几乎废掉了我整只手臂。He hit me with a glancing blow as I fled, but even that was enough to take my arm almost clean off.