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在莴苣生菜叶上铺一层西红柿。Tomatoes on a bed of lettuce.

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你吃过莴苣吗?Have you eaten lettuce before?

他种的莴苣已结籽。His lettuces have run to seed.

我种的莴苣已结子。My lettuces have gone to seed.

他种的莴苣已结籽。His lettuces have gone to seed.

野莴苣与牛蒡花。Wild mustard green and burdock.

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我给你点了你最喜欢的沙拉--荷兰莴苣和芝麻菜。I got your favorite salad--endive and arugula.

农民把莴苣和苹果装箱运到商店去。Farmers crated lettuce apples to ship to stores.

他喜欢莴苣但他不喜欢卷心菜。He likes lettuces, bue he doesn't like cabbages.

在沙拉碗里拌好莴苣和黄瓜。Mix the lettuce and the cucumber in a salad bowl.

一种莴苣属植物,尤指莴苣,因叶可食用而扶植。The leaves of L. sativa, used especially in salads.

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她将莴苣切成两半,然后取走了菜心。She cut the lettuce in half and took away the heart.

谢谢莴苣姑娘那是什么意思呢?。Thanks , Rapunzel . What ' s that supposed to mean ?

穿靴猫在麻袋里放了一些莴苣然后躲起来。Puss-in-boots placed some lettuce in the sack and hid.

头型莴苣和散叶莴苣总共有上百种类型。There are hundreds of kinds of head and leaf lettuces.

我要一份番茄莴苣沙拉,番茄煎蛋卷。I have a tomato and a lettuce salad, a tomato omelette.

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我要烤牛肉加瑞士乳酪、蕃茄与莴苣。I’d like roast beef with Swiss cheese, tomato, and lettuce.

那么为什么感觉甚至连莴苣都要加害我们呢?So why does it feel like even the lettuce is out to get us?

沙拉中使用的绿色蔬菜或食用植物,尤指莴苣。A green vegetable or herb used in salad, especially lettuce.