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他自称是一个保守主义者。He listed himself as a conservative.

这里还有个保守主义的问题Then there's this issue of conservatism.

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新保守主义与死亡邪恶轴心III. Neoconservatism and the Axis of Evil Dead

在雷根当政期间,新保守主义盛行。Neo- conservatism prevailed in the Reagan era.

要克服保守主义和本本主义。Conservatism and book worship should be overcome.

他已经公开背离了新保守主义运动。He has publicly turned his back on the neocon movement.

一位新保守主义者概括了运动中的主流倾向。One neocon sums up the prevailing mood in the movement.

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现在是谁使美国的新保守主义共和党恐惧呢?Now who's the fear mongering American neocon Republican?

Goldwater是亚利桑纳州的一位极具保守主义的参议员。Goldwater was a strongly conservative senator from Arizona.

但是保守主义者和右翼分子并非唯一的种族主义者。But conservatives and rightwingers are not the only racists.

继拉姆斯菲尔德之后,终于又有一位新保守主义英雄败下阵来。SO, after Donald Rumsfeld, another neocon hero bites the dust.

保守主义者学不会新东西,也忘不掉旧东西。Conservatives can't learn new things and forget about old things.

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就当前而言,伊拉克战争对新保守主义可谓一把双刃剑。Currently, the Iraq War is a double-edge sword for neoconservatism.

经济衰退持续越长,保守主义的势头将越猛烈。In a prolonged recession, gale-force winds of protectionism will blow.

这种经历缓慢地培育了他们顽固的保守主义。Their adamantine conservatism is the slow outgrowth of this experience.

这标志着保守主义长达30年的主导地位的终结。This marks the end of the conservative ascendancy of the past 30 years.

保守主义者是胆小得不敢斗争,又胖得跑不动的人。A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run.

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奥巴马的许多保守主义,甚至带有里根式的言论无不让人侧目。Much of Mr Obama’s rhetoric is strikingly conservative, even Reaganesque.

第三,萨科齐先生准备好面对法国保守主义的堡垒。Third, Mr Sarkozy is ready to confront France's bastions of conservatism.

他引入了优雅和柔和,不断挑战着保守主义。He is challenging the idea of minimalism by introducing elegance and softness.