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一个纬纱是一根单纬线,故有此名。A pick is a single weft thread, hence the term.

这张地图甚至包含了经线和纬线。The map even includes lines of latitude and longitude.

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纬线感应装置在喷嘴的前面配备有电子感应装置,可以自动检测纬线的供应。The weft detector in the front of nozzle can supervise weft supple duly.

参孙回答说,你若将我头上的七条发绺,与纬线同织就可以了。And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.

天王星有27个已知的卫星,它们都是围绕天王星的中纬线运行的。Uranus has 27 known moons, all of them revolving around this planet's equator.

它的灵魂是如此复杂以至于无法调整它自身于我们社会组织的黏滑的纬线中。Its soul is too complex to adjust itself to the slimy woof of our social fabric.

在找纬线圈的手操作时,机器的另一运动被命令。Another movement of the machine is required during a manual operation of the pickfinding coil.

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地球表面根据经线或纬线大概划分出来的任何一个区域。One used to represent a unit of measurement, such as feet or minutes in latitude and longitude.

全真丝纬向弹力机织物的弹力主要利用强捻纬线的捻度释放来形成。The elasticity of silk woven fabrics is formed by the twist release of hard twist on weft yarn.

这些条状物质流首先出现在太阳的两极,然后向中纬线迁徙。These bands of flowing material first appear near the sun's polesand migrate toward the equator.

纬线密度的设置和更换齿轮都由以前的人工操作改进为电子自动控制。The setting of mesh and gear changing are done by electronic part instead of previous manual operation.

每当一行结打完时,纬线从前经和后经的中间穿过。When a raw of knots is finished the weft will run through compartment space between front and back warps.

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在2004年所做的初步调查中,研究人员检测了位于北纬51度和53度纬线间的7个沼泽。In an initial survey in 2004, the researchers examined seven bogslocated between the 51st and 53rd parallels.

纬线感应装置在喷嘴的前面配备有电子感应装置,可以自动检测纬线的供应。Most older filling stop motions consist of fork- like devices which feel for the presence of the filling yarn.

你们应该体会到,当你安排一条绳时,你永远没有办法,将两端在纬线的部分连接起来。You should realize that, when you lay out a string, you never manage to join the two ends together in the woof.

还有,利用柏拉图的想象我们可以发现,正义和国家是编织具有某种质地和纹理的织品和织物的经线与纬线。Or, to use a Platonic image, justice and the State are the warp and the woof which run through the whole texture.

首先在宣纸上作画,用特制的裁纸小刀裁成一定规格的纸条作为经线,再取白的宣纸切成同样宽度的纸条作为纬线。Firstly, draw an a rice paper, then use a special cut to cut some rice paper with some width as longitude and parallel.

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它较人工清除纬线杆上的剩余玻纤纬线可显著地提高工效。Compared with the manual removal of the glass fibre wefts on the weft rod, the utility model can raise the efficiency remarkably.

并在纬线配置上,采用了金银线与人丝间隔排列的布局。Its figured area is embellished with lame patterns. and its weft is so allocated that lame yarn and rayon are alternatively arranged.

从北极到南极划出的线被称为经线。从西向东划出的线被称为纬线。The lines drawn from the North Pole to the South Pole are called meridians. The line drawn from the West to East are called parallels.