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现在我成为累赘了。Now I should be an encumbrance.

在你看来,我已经成为累赘?Am I a encumbrance in your eyes?

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但是这样做会非常累赘。This proved to be very cumbersome.

奔腾万岁,纸笔累赘。Pentium wise, pen and paper foolish.

却不小心成为你的累赘。But carelessly become your encumbrance.

我是一个讨厌的东西,一个累赘,和一个祸害。I was a nuisance, an incumbrance , and a pest.

这就导致了累赘计算。And that leads to a lot of redundant computation.

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店中店会否成为百货商店的累赘?Are In-Store Shops a Problem for Department Stores?

如果有机会可以渲泄掉累赘。If you have an opportunity to vent out the cumbersome.

这样的累赘只能卖掉或者关闭。This excrescence only needs to be sold or closed-down.

玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.

而且没有那身累赘的衣服,我感觉灵活多了!And I am so much more agile without all those bulky clothes!

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然而到了2010年,它突然成了多余的东西,或者说被我们看作是一个累赘。In 2010, it is suddenly superfluous, or so we like to pretend.

这个丑闻缠身的国会议员成了他所在政党的累赘。The scandal-ridden congressman has become a drag on his party.

在很多方面,PDD患者的身体变成了他们的累赘。In many respects, the body of a PDD victim becomes their puppet.

我想成为你的幸福、却不小心成为你的累赘。I want to be your happiness, But carelessly become your encumbrance.

我害怕我会是你的累赘,你会不会觉得更疲惫?。I'm worried about If I'm your encumbrance, will you be much more tired?

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他恳求我带他一起去,还说他不会成为我的累赘,相反还可能给我以帮助。He begged me to let him go with me and said he wouldn't hinder but help.

时间对奋斗者而言,是一种财富,对懒惰者而言,是一种累赘。Time for striver is kind of treasure, for lazy person, is a kind of burden.

格雷维蒂教授现在似乎成了学院里的累赘。Professor Gravity now seems to have become an unwanted fixture in the college.