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一个小型的离心式鼓风机。A small centrifugal blower.

风扇电机、风扇总成、鼓风机电机。Fan motor, fan assy, blower motor.

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一些吸尘器配有专门用来吹干马的鼓风机。Some vacuums have blower features for drying wet horses.

论述了D300-42型煤气鼓风机常见的故障。Common troubles of type D300-42 gas blower are discussed.

对某鼓风机轴有限元模型进行了模态分析。The finite element modal analysis of fan axis is discussed.

只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机不停地发出呼呼声。Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle.

一个小型的离心式鼓风机。这种偏转将在夏季进行。A small centrifugal blower. That excursion was carried out in summer.

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经分析,鼓风机的特氟隆贴片上也有摩擦过的痕迹。After analyzing, there is the friction trace on the Teflon paster on the fan.

该ALG-6型号试验台设计用于对测试B-1空气再循环鼓风机。The ALG-6 Test Fixture is designed to test B-1 Air Recirculation Loop Blowers.

灶头火力大小可通过调节鼓风机调速器开关,任意调节。The strength of the stove speeder of blower can be adjusted by the switch stove.

讨论了船用柴油机扫气系统中辅助鼓风机的选择。This paper discusses the fan selection for sweep system of marine diesel engine.

包括可以插入120V插座的鼓风机用于快速充气。Included air blower plugs into any standard 120V outlet and makes for fast inflation.

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用来输送气体或使气体增压的泵类称为压缩机、鼓风机或风扇。Pumps used to transport or pressurize gases are called compressors, blowers, or fans.

罗茨鼓风机是在工业领域应用十分广泛的重要设备。Roots blowers are important manufacturing equipments widely used in industrial field.

太空马桶主要是利用鼓风机推进空气形成喷射作用将粪便导入特殊的容器。Space toilets use jets of fan-propelled air to guide waste into the proper container.

罗茨鼓风机系属容积回转式鼓风机,具有强制输气之特征,用于输送空气和惰性气体。Lowes blower is a rotary blower of the volume, which can coercively transport the gas.

“齐鲁”、“章鼓”牌罗茨鼓风机荣获“山东名牌”。Our 'QILU'and 'Zhanggu' blowers acquire the honor of'name brand in Shandong province'.

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以前吹火筒的功能就类似于现在的鼓风机。The function of the fire-blower of old times was similar to that of an air-blower now.

鼓风机开关的第二个功能是它相当于一个可变电阻。The second function of the blower switch is to perform the role of a variable resistor.

灶头火力大小可通过调节鼓风机调速器开关,任意调节。The strength of the stove speeder of blower can be adjusted by the switch on the stove.