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拉斯维加斯对失败者落井下石。Las Vegas handicapped the underdogs by a large margin.

中国传媒真的这么渴望对他们的英国同行落井下石吗?Are Chinese reporters really so eager to flog their British peers?

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那些我们成功时卑躬屈膝的人,有可能是我们失败了头顶笼罩失意的乌云时最先落井下石的。success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of mailice when

不够侵略性。我有竞争力但是我不会落井下石。I'm not super-aggressive. I'm competitive but I don't cut other people off.

未能获得该报告在对的时间,破坏你,这增加了落井下石。Failing to get the report in on time sabotages you , which adds insult to injury.

向一个刚刚失业的人讨债等于落井下石。To demand money from a person who has just lost his job is hitting a man who is down.

右翼则认为,抢匪和反社会分子乘此机会落井下石。On the right, that gangsters and anti-social elements are taking advantage of tragedy.

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要落井下石是容易的事情。我真不敢相信人们竟以别人的痛苦为乐。It's easy to kick someone when they're down. I can't believe people laugh at others' misfortunes.

落井下石,是全长从新泽西州的鞭挞金属乐队的第三张录音室专辑,头颈部。Insult to Injury is the third full-length studio album from New Jersey thrash metal band, Whiplash.

他成功地从俄罗斯获得了大量财政补贴,同时对俄罗斯落井下石,挑拨其与欧洲的关系。He has skilfully managed to extract large subsidies from Russia while poking it in the eye and playing it off against the EU.

即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will bee worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

即便不死,大多也如同王小二过年一年不如一年,显然,对整个行业的不景气,投资者只会“落井下石”而非“雪中送炭”。Some will become worse and worse. Evidently because of the depression of whole industry, VC won't pay any attention to unpromising thing.

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为了能胜出村民们不惜互相落井下石,他们非常渴望看到柳条女人,所以他们还是站在原地等待着。The villagers would have fallen on each other, fighting, but they were so desperate to see the wicker lady, they just stood there, to wait.

生活的最基本的准则之一是“决不打已经后倒在地上的人”,也就是说,决不落井下石。One of the most elementary rules of life is "never hie a man when he's down "-in other words , never take advantage of a person's misfortune.

这样,我们就能够助落井下石把世界变成一个更美好的中央,因为,悲伤的阴影越黑暗,爱心之灯的光芒就越闪亮。In this way, we can help to make the world abetter place, for the darker the shadows of sorrow become, the more brightly the lamp of love shines.

这样,我们就能够助落井下石把世界变成一个更抵家的地址,由于,悲伤的暗影越阴郁,爱心之灯的光泽就越闪亮。In this way- we can help to make the world a new pl_ design- for the darker the shpostows of sorrow become- the more gaily the lfirm of love shines.

然而把他们的设计改一点点,然后把它转成某个人的,这对当时适当的大部份原设计是落井下石的侮辱与伤害。But it is adding insult to injury to then appropriate large parts of the original design, disguise them a little bit, and pass them off as one's own.

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不过,国际新闻公司表示,这是落井下石的指控,他们已透过律师谨慎查证,但查无凭据。However, the international news company said it is adding insult to injury allegations, they have to check carefully through a lawyer, but where no credentials.

得悉有些人依然对我有信心不会落井下石并且帮助我作我后盾,我感到很欣慰。It was nice to know that some people still had faith and were more interested in helping me build it back up as opposed to tearing it down for the sake of a story.

这样,我们就能够助落井下石把世界变成一个更抵家的地点,由于,悲伤的暗影越昏暗,爱心之灯的光明就越闪亮。In this way- we can help to make the world some sort of pl_ design- for the darker the shadvertisementows of sorrow become- the more reficingly positively the lrev of love shines.