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这么一来你可以睡得更酣些了。You'll sleep the sounder for it.

这么一来A实际上并没有对B造成影响。So A cannot actually be a cause of B.

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这么一来,我就什么也看不见了。That way, I couldn't see a goddam thing.

老板一来,她立刻变得知趣多了。When the boss comes, she knows her place.

从1954年一来,光荣退役的名字有40个。Since 1954, forty names have been retired.

他一来,咱们就告诉他。As soon as he gos, we'll let he understand.

一来二往地,他们相爱了。One to two to the ground, they fell in love.

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这么一来霍布斯就成了第一位典型的兼容并包者。So Hobbes is the first classic compatibilist.

不过,那样一来就会砸掉此人饭碗了吧?Well but that fellow would lose his job then?

一去一来,交接处,是雪儿的悠闲。One to one, the junction is the leisurely Cher.

杂货店的服务员每周一来取定货单。The grocer's boy calls every Monday for orders.

你不来看我则已,一来就向我发牢骚。You never come to see me without dumping on me.

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那样一来,她发现信时,就有可能只有她一人在场。That way, she’d likely be alone when she found it.

所以机会一来,他就改读矫形外科了。At his first opportunity, he switched to orthopedics.

一来到中国他就开始学太极拳。He began to learn Taichi as soon as he came to China.

那样一来,您的爱犬在白天时就不会那么好动。That way, your dog will be less active during the day.

我不去。一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。I haven't a ticket, and secondly I don't like the play.

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这么一来,你会怎么猜想这些畸形的美国在线用户?So what would you guess about these aberrant AOL users?

在149个支持者中,有三分之一来自他的朋友和家人。About a third of his 149 backers were friends and family.

这么一来,蝴蝶就没有找到太太的机会了。And so it happened that the butterfly got no wife at all.