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对着水笔傻笑。Laugh at the pencil.

请用墨水笔填写这张表。Please fill this form in ink.

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用蓝色或黑色水笔在求职信上签名。Sign the cover letter with a blue or black ink pen.

假设有人给了你一支笔,一支密封的、纯色的水笔。Suppose someone gave you a pen-a sealed, solid-colored pen.

不要使用水笔而要用铅笔填涂答题纸。DON'T use a pen on the answer sheet. You should use a pencil.

假设有人给了你一枝笔,一枝密封的、纯色的水笔。Suppose someone gave you a pen ― a sealed, solid-colored pen.

本申请表格各部份必须以墨水笔╱原子笔清楚填妥,方为有效。To be valid, you must complete all parts of this Application Form.

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此外,要准备一支能拿得出手的水笔。In addition, a high quality ink pen can also give you some credits.

先在试卷上写好名字。用墨水笔写,不要用铅笔写。Put your name on your examination paper. Write in ink, not in pencil.

请使用蓝色或黑色水笔端正填写此表,并请随表附上护照影印件。Please PRINT clearly using blue or black ink. Include photocopy of passport.

我拿着蓝色水笔,在纸前犹豫再三,终于写到“爱你的,莉”。I held the blue marker above the paper, hesitating, then signed it Love, Lee.

你用过的数字水笔已经储存了一份相关内容的电子文本。The digital ink pen you used has stored an electronic copy of what you wrote.

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可以用水粉色、油画棒、彩色铅笔或是彩色水笔等各种工具材料去表现。The picture can be performed by gouache color, oil painting stick, color pencil and color pen.

假设有人给了你一枝笔,一枝密封的、纯色的水笔,里面有多少墨水你看不到。Suppose someone gave you a pen — a sealed, solid-colored pen. You couldn't see how much ink it had.

以上材料一式一份盖公章用A4纸打印复印,用黑色水笔签字,盖章需清晰完整。Above all information with A4 paper print copy with a black pen signed and sealed is clear and complete.

另一个学生在两只前胳膊上用粗水笔协商了“抵制宗教无容忍度”后去教堂。Another student went to church with "Resist religious intolerance" written on each forearm in magic marker.

收集上百个水笔,把他们堆在宿舍的一面墙边,另一边只放一只。Collect hundreds of pens and pile them on one side of the room. Keep one pencil on the other side of the room.

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八大的山水笔笔从心坎流出,犹如一首抒情诗,抒写着他的性灵,印证着他的人生,寄寓着他的理想。His landscapes outflow from the heart like a lyric poem, describe his spirit, confirm his life and ignite his ideals.

那些书信和卡片内容有诗歌、十四行诗和故事,用水彩画和水笔勾勒的轮廓作为装饰。The letters and cards are in the form of poems, sonnets and stories, decorated with watercolour and pen and ink sketches.

蘸水笔技术是近年来发展起来的一种新的扫描探针刻蚀加工技术,有着广泛的应用前景。Dip-pen nanolithography is a new scanning probe lithography technique based on atomic force microscopy, and now have made a great progress.