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你们知道我怎么会昏迷不醒吗?You know how I'm in a coma?

我以为是我害你昏迷不醒。I thought I put you in a coma.

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在过去的六个星期中,他一直昏迷不醒。He's been in a coma for the past six weeks.

这个醉鬼昏迷不醒,倒在地上。The druken man fell to the floor in a stupor.

结果他被送到一个医院,整夜昏迷不醒。He ended up in the hospital and was in a coma all night.

黑蚁一边救治大妹,一边又施法让大妹昏迷不醒。Black ant treatment big sister, coma and makes big sister.

坠楼的莉迪亚昏迷不醒,她被格雷森夫妇视为一颗定时炸弹。Fall of Lydia in a coma, she was Grayson couples as a time bomb.

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秋桦意外推倒佳珍,导致佳珍流产并昏迷不醒。Qiuhua accidentally bumps into Jiazhen causing her to miscarriage.

他吸入了一些毒气,直到援兵赶到时还昏迷不醒。He had inhaled some of it, and lost consciousness even as help arrived.

一晚,华上了荣的计程车,车子失事,二人昏迷不醒。One night, China on the honor of the taxi, car crash, the two men were in a coma.

警方于现场发现一名少年,阿森纽斯“杰克森,17岁,大量出血,昏迷不醒。Police found Arsenius Jackson, 17, at the scene, unconscious and bleeding profusely.

一答应替荣借尸还魂,但却安排荣借昏迷不醒的华还阳。A promise for honor, but arrange new guise of China through unconscious glory return.

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田尊这次死也不肯再说,终被吴霸天用酷刑虐待至昏迷不醒。And the dead will not field, besides, wu the day end with torture abuse to unconscious.

我不担心我的肾,如果肾脏的问题严重,我早该昏迷不醒了。I’m not worried about the kidney. If the kidney was serious, I’d be unconscious by now.

魅力为0时角色会因为精神极度紧张而昏迷不醒。CHA 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a catatonic, coma like stupor, helpless.

李剑等人随后找到了藏在树洞内已昏迷不醒的黄占魁。Keyboard and others later found hidden in the tree hole Huang Zhankui has been in a coma.

当“醉鬼”获救后,它在地上躺了一会,昏迷不醒。When the inebriated elk was freed, it lay for a while on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

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消防队员用千斤顶升起汽车,将勃拉斯基移出来,当时,她已经严重脱水昏迷不醒。Firefighters lifted the car with a jack and removed Borowski, who was dehydrated and confused.

象他这样昏迷不醒的人竟在一年以后又恢复知觉,这真是令人难以置信。It is incredible that a comatose man like him should have regained consciousness one year later.

感激那些讲着故事的人,说有的人也曾突然昏迷不醒但最后突然醒过来。We were grateful for their stories of people who had snapped out of comas and returned to normal.