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其次为非Q波型梗塞患者。Non-Q-wave type AMI was second.

纤维软骨梗塞或栓塞。Fibrocartilaginous Infarct or Embolism.

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比较梗塞侧与正常右侧的区别。Compare the infarcted side with the normal right side.

剃秃顶发也能让她在埃及使人梗塞的很热衷连结风凉。B shaved head also helped her stay cool in Egypts stifling heat.

脑部分水岭梗塞有其特征性的分布区域。Watershed infarcts have a characteristic distribution in the brain.

之后在医院,医生告诉我是肺梗塞。Later, at the hospital, the doctor told us it was a pulmonary embolism.

结论小脑梗塞性病变MR检查优于CT检查。Conclusion MR is bettler than CT in the lesion of cerebellum infarction.

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韶光逐步,回想又那么繁重,我经常以为活得很梗塞。The year slowly, and memory that heavy, I often feel live very suffocate.

一氧化碳和氰化氢的例子化学梗塞。Carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide are examples of chemical asphyxiants.

结果早期1小时溶栓恢复灌注降低梗塞体积。Results—Early 1-hour thrombolysis restored perfusion and reduced infarction.

这种小中风可多次复发并越来越严重,最后导致多发性梗塞痴呆症或中风。They tend to recur and may worsen, leading to multi-infarct dementia or stroke.

脑梗死后癫痫发作多见于脑皮层梗塞者。Epilesy after cerebral infarction mostly happens in cerebral cortex infarctions.

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注意梗塞组织的肿胀和周围组织的变形。Notice the swelling of infarcted tissue and the distortion of surrounding tissue.

梗塞减压安装会危及钢瓶的平安。Tampering with the pressure-relief device compromises the safety of the cylinder.

当组织梗塞或水肿时,就不能辨认出此区域内的沟回。As tissue has become infarcted and edematous, the sulcus is no longer identifiable.

在北京,交通梗塞不只发作在节假日期间,素日里这也是常有的事。In Beijing, traffic jams happen not only during holidays, but also on ordinary days.

其他海洋动物若吃了塑料,会中毒或导致致命的梗塞。Other marine animals eat the plastic, which can poison them or lead to deadly blockages.

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有研究表明颈动脉疾病属于非皮质的腔隙性梗塞吗?Is Investigating for Carotid Artery Disease Warranted in Non-Cortical Lacunar Infarction?

在白种人中,IL6基因的共同单倍型与白质病变或大脑梗塞具有明显的相关性。In Whites, common haplotypes of the IL6 gene were significantly associated with WML and BI.

结果――血浆中C反应蛋白和IL-6水平与两种人种中出现的白质病变或大脑梗塞之间具有相关性。Results— Plasma IL6 and CRP levels were associated with presence of WML and BI in both races.