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最后一题,裕廊飞禽公园在哪里?And finally, where is the Jurong Bird Park?

在裕廊飞禽公园有一个人工瀑布。There is a man-made waterfall in Yu Lang Bird Park.

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那么在哪能找到那些抗病飞禽呢?And where are these disease-resistant birds likely to be found?

所有的走兽,飞禽和各种各样的鱼类都接到了邀请。All the beasts, birds, and fishes of all sizes and shapes were invited.

在巴黎,人们可能像飞禽那些渴望广阔的空间去振翼翱翔。In Paris it is possible to be homesick for space and a beating of wings.

德鲁伊能变成飞禽,那么会被近战攻击吗?If a druid shapeshifts into a flying animal, can it be attacked by melee?

他们的特征是类飞禽,让他们看起来像人形的鸟或者猛禽。Their features are avian, making them resemble humanoid birds or raptors.

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鱼和爬行动物一般要比哺乳动物或飞禽更容易改变性别。Fish and reptiles are more likely to change sex than are mammals or birds.

我们的换羽毛的季节,就像飞禽的,必然是生命之中一个大的转折点。Our moulting season, like that of the fowls , must be a crisis in our lives.

赤颈鹤足有六英尺高,是世界上身材最高的飞禽。At six feet tall, the Eastern Sarus crane is the world’s tallest flying bird.

剪纸的题材十分广泛,花卉、人物、飞禽、走兽、乃至故事都可以表达得淋漓尽致栩栩如生。The form of paper-cut is very wide, such as flower, figure, bird, beasts, even a story.

另一些飞禽和动物留下来了,但是整个冬天你不会看到所有的这些动物。Other birds and animals stay with you, but you will not see all the animals all through the winter.

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所有的爬、飞禽和地上所有的动物,各依其类出了方舟。And every beast and bird and every living thing of every sort which goes on the earth, went out of the ark.

它冲散了每当我独自面对着死沉沉的岩石、飞禽和雨水时所有的害怕的感觉。It saved me from the senses of horror I had whenever I was quite alone with dead rocks, fowls , and the rain.

我们人赎回了这危险的遗失,那么天空中的飞禽田野中的猛兽又如何?If we've redeemed this dangerous supplement for man, what about the fowl of the air and the beasts of the field?

我收集的标志物中有一支加利福尼亚神鹰身上的羽毛,几年前这个飞禽种类仅剩下了十四只。I have in my collection a feather from a California condor—a species reduced to only 14 individuals a few years ago.

斑头雁与其它飞禽相比,它们用于飞行的肌肉里有更多的线粒体——这是一种能在细胞内产生能量的结构。The geese's flight muscles also have more mitochondria—energy-producing structures inside cells—than their fellow fowl.

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拿帕海是云南中甸的一个季节性湖泊。冬季来临的时候,许多稀有飞禽,例如黑颈鹤,都在湖上栖息。Napa Hai is a seasonal lake in Zhongdian, Yunnan Province. Many rare birds such as black necked cranes inhabit there in winter.

所有的爬虫、飞禽和地上所有的动物,各依其类出了方舟。And all living things, and cattle, and creeping things that creep upon the earth, according to their kinds, went out of the ark.

抗病飞禽的基因遗传性在制作商用鸡的过程中是被排除在外的,这样可以使商用鸡更加市场化。The disease-resistant birds' genetic heritage was excluded from the commercial breeds in the process of making them more commercial.